
Any Artists out there looking for a portfolio piece?

Started by September 07, 2014 03:08 PM
0 comments, last by riuthamus 10 years ago


Hey all,

I am looking for a piece of Banner art to use as my main splash image on the iOS / Google Play Store for my upcoming game Ninja Gold Rush.

In particular I'm looking for a cartoonish/exaggerated style which should fit with the fun / casual gameplay. I have provided a link to a video showing gameplay below.

I've been trying to do the promo art myself but figured I'd open up the opportunity to any skilled artists out there looking for a portfolio piece and some additional exposure. Like I said the art would be used as my main promotional image on the iOS/Play store. I'll also be sure to credit you for contribution.

If you are interested please contact me at with subject "Banner Art". I have a theme in mind for the banner but am open to any thoughts/suggestions you may have.



This post is better suited for the classified section.

If you have any further questions please contact me. I have taken the liberty to lock this thread for now.

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