
Join our Skype group towards the development of strong AI!

Started by June 21, 2014 05:47 PM
-1 comments, last by cireNeikual 10 years, 2 months ago

Hello all!

I am part of a Skype AI group. I am not the original creator of the group, but was given permission to attempt to recruit new members on these forums.

We are trying to work towards the development of strong AI. Crazy, right? Well, if you too have this goal, join our group to feel less crazy wink.png

We are very active, there are often thousands of messages a day. We have about 38 members right now.

We do not only theorize, many of us have programming projects that are attempts at contributing to the field of AI.

For instance, I am trying to use evolutionary algorithms to evolve the dynamics of a spiking neural network to accomplish reinforcement learning tasks.

If you would like to join, please add the creator of the group on Skype: chester.hercules.grant

What does this have to do with game development? Well, many of us believe that games are an excellent platform for testing AI, myself included. Also, right now games are mostly using weak AI techniques, but I believe that for truly fun AI we will eventually need to turn to "stronger" AI techniques. I myself have a pet game project that makes heavy use of reinforcement learning.

I am looking forward to chat to you guys about your ideas and ambitions!

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