
Looking for 3D Pathfinding Engine

Started by November 21, 2013 10:08 PM
6 comments, last by ferrous 10 years, 9 months ago

Hello! I'am looking for an 3d pathfinding engine, that also can handel the z axis ( hight ). I want to try to get planes trought the World. C# or C++ would be nice. I googled several hours but didn't find a engine that support it. Currently i'am using recast, but it only supports 2d pathfinding :-S.


What does your world geometry look like? Depending on how your maps are laid out this could be a trivially easy problem or a nearly intractable one.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]


He has one that you have to pay for, and it's for Unity. But I believe the pro version of his does handle 3d maps with nodes on top of other nodes. (as opposed to just hills)

Though as the poster above says, I agree that this could be a trivial problem (especially if all you want to do is have hills)

The Input format is Wavefront and there are not just hils. there are also trees and buildings that need to be flyed around / over them.

This book has a nice explanation of most used pathfinding algorithms including A*.

If you also like to program in JavaScript here is a complete api.

The Input format is Wavefront and there are not just hils. there are also trees and buildings that need to be flyed around / over them.

Are you going inside multiple levels of buildings, or under the trees? If not you can still get away with 2d pathfinding w/ height.


Well how it would look like, if a plane dosn't fly over buildings :-S?

What I'm trying to understand is whether you need to have a path that is valid in 3d space in more than one spot. For example, if you do not have a bridges that you want planes flying under, you basically just need a 2D map of nodes\tiles\hexes with a minimum altitude at each node. Then you can check the current altitude of your plane, and it's climb rate to see whether or not it can reach the required min altitude at a node.

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