
Mousepad Design

Started by August 18, 2001 09:10 AM
1 comment, last by Michael Tanczos 23 years ago
How does this image I made look for a potential mousepad? It was suggested that I post here instead for comments. View Pic Any comments? --- Michael Tanczos
Guess what, it''s me again... well, as they said on the other side, the Lounge is not the place for being constructive anyway.

I know what''s perturbing my sense of style (now that sounds artsy fartsy )... there are too many different things combined.
One, you get the 0 and 1''s, totally out of the place (I know, I know, it fits with the moto of Gamedev, but it *doesn''t* fit with the picture here).
Two, you get this weird graffiti (tag) font for the writing. That just doesn''t fit with the rest neither.
Three, you have too many colors that don''t fit all together nicely. The green and blue of the text are OK by themselves, but not with the background or the guy.

I''d say stick to one style, not three at a time.
I think the fantasy theme is really cool, the character is well done, the posture is strong and it''s nicely done so it can be put in a corner without looking totally unbalanced.
But if you do that, make the colors and style of the writing stick to the theme... something more fiery, to fit with the fireball.
And maybe a more blueish background, to compensate all that fire and warm colours (if you make a warm coloured text). Warm foreground, cold background is a recipe that always works.

Also you could maybe try to have the guy extend his right arm towards the left of the picture, as if to embrace the title ? That''s purely a suggestion, though. But I guess this would give a sense of "harness the power" or something ...

anyway, that''s just my opinion, and it''s only to try to help.
As soon as I do something, I''ll be happy to put it here for everyone to criticize, too.

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Here''s a second version.. the cave background is gone and I toyed with the coloring a bit.

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Michael Tanczos

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