
LomaxGames and MVP Software

Started by August 12, 2001 10:48 AM
2 comments, last by cbeek 23 years ago
Hello again. Thanks for the replies on Xtreme Games. I am also submitting my game to Lomax Games and MVP Software. These are both shareware publishers and I don''t think either of them do retail. MVP claims to be the #1 Windows shareware game publisher in the world. Their site is very professional and the games are high quality. Lomax (based in Germany) mostly does DOS games but wants to branch out. Does anyone have any experience with either of these two publishers? I would also very much appreciate any opinions concerning them. Thanks. cbeek
could you tell me the web addresses of those 2 companies since the thread was erased and I cannot read anything of what people wrote

i found the addresses with google
i''ll write the code to have this thread erased:
Crystal Interactive
HA HA That was funny
-------------Ban KalvinB !

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