

Started by March 17, 2010 03:35 PM
22 comments, last by fang 14 years, 5 months ago
Quote: Original post by ne0_kamen
I don't suppose you've implemented any save/load system?

unfortunately no... but there is a cheat code "iamufecjudge" to help you unlock levels.

You don't have to include a full featured gameplay music or something.
Just a few special sounds when the elementals are moving,when activating abilities,and when clicking the gui would add more touch to the game.

hmmm, this is a nice suggestion. i'll give it a shot.

Rotating camera
I'm not sure how this could be improved,but rotating the camera was useless for me.If I rotate,my elemental becames disoriented and the keyboard arrows don't match the physical direction in your game world.In my opinion,just zooming in/out is sufficient.

indeed it doesn't make sense to rotate the camera if the keyboard control doesn't change in accordance. I cloned the camera controlling from HOMM 5 without giving it much thinking... and the difference is that in HOMM5 you don't use keyboard arrows.

Moving from gameplay mode to Scene selection mode/Main menu.
I didn't find a way to do this.If one wants to start a Custom game while he is playing the campaign,he would either have to die,or have to close and start the game again and wait for the (somewhat long) load times to complete.

actually there is an in-game menu opened by pressing F10, but I didn't find an obvious way to tell this information to the players. maybe adding it to the tutorial?
Quote: Original post by Erik Rufelt
Nice game!
I finished the campaign, and it was pretty enjoyable. I probably didn't have the best strategies, and had to replay a couple of the levels. I also tried the custom mode, but only vs the computer. Seems like it will be more fun in multiplayer, where you have to counter what the other player does and he also uses spells.

Thanks. It's a pity that the AI really sucks.
Well,if you want to make it more obvious to the players,then change F10 to something more predictable like Escape.This way you don't have to bother explaining anything at all =)
Quote: Original post by ne0_kamen
Well,if you want to make it more obvious to the players,then change F10 to something more predictable like Escape.This way you don't have to bother explaining anything at all =)

I steered clear of Escape because it's the cancel key for player 1. but apparently using F10 is not making things better. I think I'll go with Esc then.

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