
so, what do the artists want?

Started by July 05, 2001 01:04 PM
39 comments, last by dachande 23 years, 2 months ago
The "95%+ of projects with no money never finish anything" comment was not aimed against programmers at all. Artists (including me) often lose motivation once the fun/creative parts of the job are done.. and as you know it really suck to work but never finish anything. I enjoy doing & actually finishing a bunch of smaller projects a lot more.

"Are you saying that artists have to get paid, even though most programmers do what they do because they love it?"

No. There are litteraly hundreds of free player models and maps for Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament, all made for fun/free by game artists. Thats the "problem", we can export our characters, animations, even worlds into these already finished, well documented, and top-of-the-line game engines. These engines are *extremely* attractive to us artists.. we can just create 1 character and release it like that. Its very hard for independant game developers to look more attractive than these engines/communities without any money.

"And there''s more to life than money."

I agree, money is much less important than how fun the project is to do. But... good artists/programmers tend to get jobs, so if there''s no money involved at all, I''ll assume the team is mostly composed of newbies. A good professionnal team is priceless, and its nearly impossible to have one without paying the workers. I''d rather working on my own than being in a bad team.

So for me, thats why I''m not interested in working for free in a team. Sorry if I sounded a bit agressive toward programmers in my other post. I''m honestly not trying to start a flame war.

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