
Now I know not to trust crystal Interactive...

Started by July 02, 2001 06:06 PM
8 comments, last by shaft 23 years, 2 months ago
I just read the last message from the "CEO" of crystal, and ending a post threatening to sue one of your developers is not a good way to recruit new developers. And good luck suing for slander. I''m sure the mis-calculation of 1.5 years to 2 years has injured your name substantially. Best hope no stock holders read your threats posted to a forum where potential recruitees could be found, your likely to lose that CEO title real quick.
He''s a bad motha - Shut yo mouth.
From what riza told me on the phone at least several times...he is not the CEO anymore Riza is.

This can go on and on forever,...the fact is we are pursuing a legal action against Crystal,...any other developers who have been or who have felt cheated by crystal please email me...I think we can help you.
How do you help?
Remember all that Alex and DavidRM (who moderates this board and can close and erase threads) are friends. Alex is funny always threatening anybody, like if we would be 10 years old and get scared of anything.
It was so funny when he said that this makes the other guy to loose credibility when it''s exactly the opposite way, all this and the free speach message board I started destroyed any credibility he had left, to the guy that wanted to do something start a message board bot host it yourself or keep it hosted at a safe place, I used a free server and got erased, and then just post the address here and email it to everybody related.
Just adding wood to the fire.
Gee thanks guys for your concerns. For the record did you notice the familiar names who jump up to immediately add to the slander? These people haven''t programmed anything decent in their lives and then take it upon themselves to pass judgement over other developers and even a couple of publishers and agents. When was it again you bashed Xtreme Games? Or It''s quite nice to play the critic as long as you''ve got nothing to put to the test yourself. Also try to imagine there are some people who actually support their families with this line of work.

Now bring me evidence of the fact that we sold a million units and never paid the poor guy who programmed the game, or go out an find a job in order to do something constructive! I''m an emotional person as soon as it comes to wrongful accusations and injustice. It''s rather much like another kick in the face when you''re trying to cut a developer a break and then you see he badmouths you on some message board. I call that betrayal, bad taste and plain slander. For what reason? You signed a contract which lasts 2 years. You can be angry if we haven''t done anything with your game for 2 years. And absolutely nobody can say that.

Now I''d love to see you eat your words but instead of getting all upset and ruining my day I actually have to do some work here trying to... sell some of your games!!!


This is getting ridiculous.. you guys are bad-mouthing this guys company, yet most of you have never had any dealings with this company or have any kind of proof to substaniate some of your ridiculous claims.
I can understand if those who have dealt with the company and feel like they are getting screwed may want to voice there concerns, but that should be a private matter between you and the publisher or atleast your lawyers.. untill you atleast have some proof.. and i mean real proof not just accusations.. could you guys keep it off this board?
Why shouldnt he threaten to sue? you guys seem hell-bent on accusing his company of things you have no proof off, on a message board that contains a very large number of developers who are potential clients of his.
Thankfully i think people recognise that certain posters here are full of ****, and have never posted anything that is the tiniest bit helpfull or informative(i dont think i need mention any names).
My dealings with Alex and Crystal have always been handled in a professional manner. Very few games sell a million copies.

Glen Martin
Dynamic Adventures Inc.
Glen Martin
Dynamic Adventures Inc.
First of all noone (at least not me) is looking to sell a million copies.
I would have been happy if they sold one.

Secondly Alex what you are doing IS in fact slander "These people haven''t programmed anything decent in their lives and then take it upon themselves to pass judgement "

That is slander guy, if the games were so bad, why did you sign them?
I am not knocking Crystal Interactive I am telling you all my experiance with them,. that is all. During the 2 years we have been with them, nothing has been done but there has been and still is a lot of talk.

Well now it is too late for his and rizas talk. It is now time for action. If you think you are dealing with a child keep talking Alex, I save everything you say here and it just adds to your character and the way you do business, my lawyer is very happy that you keep talking and talking. So please continue..keep going on about how we suck and we make crap and that we are not worth selling. Yet the offers from Crystal keep coming in.

Your a funny guy.

By helping we would add you to our suit against Crystal. the more companies that come forward the faster we can put this to rest and stop them from ripping anyone else off.
tkat, can I have a look at your game? Is there a downloadable version of it? Or some screenshots? Thanks.

This board is not intended for anyone to slander or flame anyone. Find some other place to do your bitching.

Samu Games

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