
Pack Rat etc.

Started by July 02, 2001 03:13 AM
-1 comments, last by Crystal Interactive CEO 23 years, 2 months ago
I work for Crystal Interactive and to be honest I don''t know why there seem to be members of this board who feel the urge to go into a libel and slander routine when it comes to our company. Mr. Martinetti posted in the "Crystal Interactive Distribution Channels" thread that he had been with us for 2 years. Now after reading that we''ve pulled the contract from our files and it clearly states he signed the contract on the 5th of August 2000, and it was countersigned by Mr. de Vries on the 4th of September 2000 because Mr. Martinetti seemed to have problems getting the documents to us. Then Mr. Martinetti delivered a gold master to us in October/November so we couldn''t have made Christmas no matter how much we tried. Then came January and February 2001 when Mr. Martinetti was already complaining like mad because things weren''t moving fast enough according to his taste. During extensive testing it turned out the gold master he had provided had a screen size bug in it and he was very reluctant to resolve the problem. Any time this person claims to have lost is due to his own behaviour. Now coming onto this board and lying about being with Crystal for 2 years without seeing a cent is really low and I''m not sure whether anyone here gives you even an ounce of credibility anymore but the matter has been passed to our attorney who will investigate a case against you for slander. Kind Regards, Alex de Vries President and CEO Crystal Interactive, Inc.

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