
tileable textures, help with

Started by June 09, 2001 10:24 AM
6 comments, last by Captain Insanity 23 years, 3 months ago
I know this may sound like a lame ass question, but I need help finding software (free software) that will take an image and make it seamlessly tileable, without simply blurring or distorting the edges. I am specifically looking for one which reflects an image in one edge, then reflects the whole image created on an edge at 90 degrees to this, so you''ve got an image four times as big with edges that match up. There''s probably a name for this technique, but I don''t know what it is. If you can help, please email me at, as I don''t have much time to check this board regularly.
"If you go into enough detail, everything becomes circular reasoning." - Captain Insanity
Can''t you do that by hand? I mostly make the textures I make (it takes me a long time sometimes, since I''m a poor artist, I primarily do programming) by hand or using a PSP plugin or the GIMP''s Map->Tile filter.

Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology! (If my website isn''t down, it''s a miracle!)
There''s a filter in GIMP called "Make Seamless" (I think, or something along those lines) - it does make things tileable, not as you described but, try it
I have the "math" and ideas behind the technique too if you want it...

"This album was written, recorded and edited at Gröndal, Stockholm in the year of 2000. At this point in time money still ruled the world. Capitalistic thoughts were wide spread. From the sky filled with the fumes of a billionarie''s cigar to the deepest abyss drenched in nuclear waste. A rich kid was a happy kid, oh..dirty, filthy times. Let this be a reminder."
- Fireside, taken from back of the Elite album
Most programs that have a "make seamless" option just blurr or distort edges, which is not good when you''re trying to make floorboards or brick walls or anything with definite edges in it. I don''t know if Gimp is one of these.

And I don''t like the Gimp, I just can''t get the hang of it''s controls, partially because I''m still busy learning all Blender''s controls.
Also, using something like the Gimp to reflect images into tiles is very time consuming and tedious. There must be a quicker, easier method of doing it. Perhaps if someone were to code something (I am not actively practicing programming, but I can''t imagine it would be that difficult) that could do batch tilemaking...

Of course if that happened, they would probably charge an arm and a leg for it, so I would still be stuck.
"If you go into enough detail, everything becomes circular reasoning." - Captain Insanity
I''ll try to write up a program that can do all of the Win32 bitmaps in a selected directory, then dump them into another. By ''do'' I mean take and alter an image like this:
  Original: _|  After:    _|_             |

I''ll post when I''m done, then I can email it to you or something (because my website is nonexistant).

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
The program''s almost done (been working on it on and off). It has a problem writing the header though (I have no idea why). If I write 0x0000C036 to the file I get 0x3036C036 instead, which is really weird. I think I have a work around though, it''ll take a while to implement though.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
Wow, thanks!
One problem - my email service has died a death, you''ll have to post the program here or send me a link to a site.

If I can help you at all in return, don''t hesitate to ask. I specialise in crazy game concepts and general silly ideas.
"If you go into enough detail, everything becomes circular reasoning." - Captain Insanity
OK, my email is now fixed.
How much work do you have left to do on the tile program?
"If you go into enough detail, everything becomes circular reasoning." - Captain Insanity

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