
worms series kind of graphics artist is required

Started by May 24, 2001 07:28 AM
1 comment, last by shurcool 23 years, 3 months ago
if you can make graphics of small worms like in worms series, and would like to get 30% of total money (that 30% will be divided between all graphic artists) from the published game we''re workind on, please email me at for more details. thank you, shurcool.
That''s the kind of stuff I can do. It''s not really excellent, but it took only ten minutes to do it, so you''ll forgive me. I didnt have time to colour it. Maybe I will, later.

Question : can you guess where I took this pose from ?
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Well ... it''s Crying Freeman OK, OK, he is not wearing the mask, but give me a break, I did that in like, 10 minutes...

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

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