
[4E6] Transpony

Started by February 13, 2008 04:53 AM
0 comments, last by TheFlyingDutchman 16 years, 7 months ago
Together with three other guys, I'm working on a game with the working title `Transpony' (which perhaps will also become the release name, because we thought it was a funny name). We started working on this game in October 2007. For all teammembers, this is the first game we've ever made and we like do develop a lot of things by ourself. Unfortunately this also means building this game costs a lot of work and we are very doubtful if we even make the deadline. But we don't really care, its more because the fun of building a game. So far we've only created some building blocks including a very nice widget system which allows us to create very nice looking control panels easily. And we are also working on our own 3d file format, because existing formats didn't qualify for different reasons (not all things on our wish list were included in the file format, or there was not an exporter for Blender which could produce a 3d file with the features we would like). So we've created an exporter for Blender. Some screenshots of a fileloader program for this format are included below. Game specifications: Game type: classified Target platform: Linux Using: C++, OpenGL, GLSL and SDL Software used for creating graphics etc.: Blender, The Gimp So, should you consider us as a dangerous competitor? [wink] Yes and no! [smile] First of all, chances are big that we don't complete something which we can submit... [depressed] But, we already created some very nice general building blocks for creating games, so we might decide to join the 4E7 contest, in that case we only have to target at developing the actual game using our existing building blocks. Screenshots 3d model of a pony in our fileloader This screenshot shows an unfinished model of a pony. 3d model of a lighthouse in our fileloader This is a testing model for the exporter and the fileloader, its a model containing 35.000 triangles (far to much for ingame usage). 3d model of a cube with three textures blended together in our fileloader Another testing model, showing a cube with three blended textures, each texture using another blending method (modulate, additive and mixing). Our fileformat and fileloader support almost all blending methods available in Blender. Texture coordinates for each blended texture are exported, so each blended texture can use other texture coordinates. [Edited by - TheFlyingDutchman on February 13, 2008 5:40:42 AM]
Two other screenshots, showing an application for specifying regions within a texture. These regions can be used for example to create widget elements like buttons, checkboxes etc. This way we can very easily create nice widget elements.

The application shown in the screenshots below is created with our 2D gui. The gui automatically gives an element some space to draw itself. The element can request some space and the 2D gui nicely devides available space to all elements requesting space.

This application is build with our own buttons, checkboxes, etc. The application can be used to specify regions in a texture. This example shows two regions in a texture containing images that can be used to create a checkbox. The result is shown in the lower left of the application, where a checkbox, using this texture (with the specified regions) is shown.

Another texture showing alpha blending of widget elements with the background.

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