
[4E6] (xLinear's)

Started by December 20, 2007 05:53 PM
1 comment, last by arew264 16 years, 8 months ago
Hello I'm new to this site.. I've used some tutorials from gamedev before but didn't realize they do competitions until now. That said, I'm starting off considerably late in the game and hope I can pull this off... Title: (Not yet assigned) The project currently resides in a massive folder marked "4E6" if you know what I mean =D Genre: Adventure Tools: Development: C/Cpp, OpenGL, SDL, C# (for editor/zone compiler) Design: LightWave 9.0, Photoshop (if I find enough money to buy it), Wings 3D, Milkshape, Anim8tor, Audacity, --insert various file format converters here--. People involved: A couple of friends to help out (and myself). So far I'm doing the bulk of it, another person (who's amazing at sound) will do background music, and a small group of friends to collaborate on storyline and help out with some scripting/zone creation. Storyline Features: A friend and I are bouncing ideas off each other, but so far we have concluded the following: We're going to follow the Legend of Zelda type of gameplay. This means that there will be several "dungeons" that the player will have to progress through, getting some kind of important item/items in each. The storyline goes something like this: There's a continent on which an ancient civilization used to live.. this civilization crafted many magical items, and then disappeared. Now only their crafted items remain, although the forests where they lived are still imbued with magic. A long time ago, settlers moved in to the continent and learned to co-exist with the forests and the magical ponies that frolic in the meadows. Years later, accountants began sailing in from the north, and were astonished to uncover magical ruins and relics of the bygone civilization. However, instead of adapting to the new magical surroundings, the accountants became greedy and dug deeper into the forests, until they uncovered something that they shouldn't have... The magic power they discovered enslaved them and, through the accountants, the power began to cover the forests like a plague, making the land a loathsome place. The player starts out as a farmer/rancher (one of the original settlers), and lives peacefully until --something happens-- and he finds himself trying to save the happy frolicking ponies from extinction as they are driven from their meadow homelands by the onslaught of accountants and their minions. To do this he must restore/repair the three magical crystals located in various ruins throughout the forest. We're still working on getting explosions in there... shouldn't be difficult. Engine: I had to do a project for a Computer Science class in college recently, where I coded a Binary Space Partitioning compiler/renderer. It worked pretty well and I added almost-perfect collision detection and rather crappy (standard OpenGL) lighting. Right now I'm creating a more or less serious engine out of this, using what I've learned from the Unreal Engine to construct the engine mechanics. I'm keeping this simple (no bump-mapping or fancy shaders), but I will still use/include the following: - Dynamic Lighting (vertex, not shadow-buffered) - Negative Lighting (an effect for the unfixed/cursed crystals) - A good handful of post-processing filters (sepia, motion blur, ...) - A decent particle system - Grass - Sound emitters - One-zone loading system (as opposed to a portal engine, right?) - Morph-target animation Anyways... some early pics: Early BSP engine This was my early BSP engine that I made for a project.. I'm pulling code from it to make the game engine. Dynamic Grass Test The above was me testing some grass rendering code. The grass actually sways with the zone's wind parameters, but you can't see that from a still image =( Fence Post Sketch A sketch of the fencepost and its corresponding model... I need to get me Photoshop so I can start doing the textures =/ Crate Sketch A sketch of the crate. It says 160 polys because my engine only handles triangles. Somehow triangles make my life a whole lot simpler when it gets down to BSP generation and such. That's it for now.. this post is waaay too long for my liking. Comments and suggestions are welcome. I'll update more when I have more (and don't worry, I won't post every freakin' model I make on here...) [Edited by - xLinear on December 20, 2007 9:42:11 PM]
Looks promising. It will be interesting to see how it builds up.
This does look like it could really go somewhere.

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