
Finding Team Members

Started by July 17, 2007 02:02 AM
1 comment, last by AJirenius 17 years, 1 month ago
Is there already a specific place for finding/forming teams just for the contest? I know about the help wanted forum, but I figured creating a thread here just for creating teams would help both beginners and signify the team is only for the 4E6 competition. Possibly a thread where each team looking for members posts a brief survey of the team, contact info, what jobs need filled, if they are newbie friendly, or whatever else they want to say about the team. This would allow teamless artists, programmers and other jobs to find a team needing them. Any thoughts?
Not a bad idea, but I know that many people around here really don't like it when posts are in the wrong forum and they may classify this as that, so don't worry if you get any heat on it.

Anyways, I might get in touch once the competition starts. This would be my first year entering this competition and I would love to form a decent team rather than fly solo.
I'm certain I will be needing one teammate on this one. Normally I create everything by myself but as I will work on my next commercial game at the same time I will probably need someone to work close with.

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