
The end is nigh! ...Of the competition, at least

Started by November 30, 2006 09:24 PM
2 comments, last by Moe 17 years, 9 months ago
Well, here it comes! The deadline hour is nearly upon us! *sigh* As for me - narg. It doesn't look as though I'm going to get this finished, let alone uploaded, in the next half-hour, which, if I'm not much mistaken, is roughly the time remaining. I could probably finish within the next 24 hours, but no matter. More to the point, I would still like to finish this project and post it to the forum - where would be the most appropriate spot for that once it's done? This forum (I suspect that this forum will disappear once the competition is over, so I'm guessing that this isn't the best place to put such a thread), or the "Your Announcements" thread, perhaps? Good luck to all of you who finished in time - I'm very much looking forward to playing the games and seeing the results! :)


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

The judges probably have some tolerance for submissions that go a few hours over the limit* - so I wouldn't give up hope if you're very nearly almost done.

This forum's been around for a while - it exists for all GDNet contests not just 4E5 - so I don't see any reason why you couldn't post a message here for when you're done if you can't submit it into the competition on time.

I'm looking forward to playing everyone's game too.

* Note: I'm not an official representative of superpig and so cannot vouch for what he thinks on this matter [smile].
*smiles* Thank you for the words of support, Trapper Zoid.

Unfortunately, given the rate at which I've been making progress, I think that I'm most likely still looking at more than one or two hours to finish the game at a fairly basic level (i.e. the game's storyline is completely playable), and more still if I were to polish it up properly.

Add to that the fact that it's just after six thirty in the morning here and I think that it's probably better if I head to bed for the "night."

*grins and chuckles* Of course, I don't think that I'd say "no" to a 24-hour extension - but I don't think that it would be fair for me to be given that, so I have no intention of asking for it.

As to the forum, I see - thank you for correcting me on that. In that case I may well post it here, since it was originally intended to be a Four Elements entry. :)


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

I just want to give a big hand to everyone that managed to get an entry in. I took a look at the screenshots of the entries that did have screenshots uploaded, and they all look quite intersting. That, and I have only heard positive things posted about them (other than a few technical issues).

So yeah, you guys/gals that got an entry in: Give yourself a pat on the back!

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