
Low poly models.

Started by February 19, 2001 05:43 AM
3 comments, last by -=Code=- 23 years, 6 months ago
Hi, How many triangles on average should I be aiming for? Compared to what you do or what is currently being done in amateur game dev. I mean for each character in the game and there will be alot of them walking around. Thanks. Edited by - -=code=- on February 19, 2001 6:48:35 AM
What kind of game are you talking about?
How many characters should you be able to see at once? ("many" is a relative term)
As far as I understand you want the characters to be 3D, but what about their surroundings? Will it be indoor, outdoor, prerendered or realtime 3D backgrouns?

And finally... what platform are you talking about? In order to give you the information you need, we have to know if you are talking about PSX, XBox, PC etc.
He´s right, we need more information. But as a reference, fps models, such as in quake3 are usually below 1000 polys... i think that´s about the place to start. And if you manage a cool object in under 500 that´s great too.
hmmm.. well, i have not made a low poly model that was any less than 4000.. i dont know what it exactly but it always seems to be around that range. I would say that 1000 is good for decent quality though and i have seen some awsome models with much lower poly counts.

this model is about 890 and as you can see, it is untextured. the texture you use will have a massive influence on the models appearence so you could foolsomeone into thinking that your 7000 poly model is about 500. it goes both ways though. I like to model so there is no shiny edges.

another example but this one was about 1800. im impressed at that actully based on my meathod of modeling.
Actully i shouldnt say anything about textureing as i am still learning. bit if you want to see good textures for charactes... play giants.

I am not text, I am not organized pixels, I am not killed by turning off your monitor, I am not isolated by turning off your computer. I just am.

Conshape Electronic Arts 2K01

At most I will have about seven characters on screen at one time and the game is currently being coded in Java and the Java3D API. Pre-rendered backgrounds are being used but objects that are useable, or can be touched by the characters are also in 3D but I expect these to relatively insignificant. I''m also adding in key frame animation for the models. To sum it up what kind of game is being done, I''ve would say a Lucas Arts point''n''click style game, eg. Grim Fandango, Esacpe from Monkey Island. Also if things go bad in Java3D ie. it slows down to unplayable I want to be able to use the models in directx 8. I''m primarily a coder so it takes a long time for me to complete a model, so I''d like to recycle the models I make. Thanks for those who gave me rough figures of their models. So far I have about 350 triangles for the main character, most of them in the head. It''s cartoonish so I''ve managed to keep it low.

Thanks for your help guys.

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