
Good Reading for Game Artists

Started by June 24, 2006 03:15 PM
17 comments, last by Tom Sloper 6 years, 10 months ago
COOL! This thread got stickied!

thanks for understanding, guys.
and for you, fenryl (as well as for understanding), thanks for those few design links. ima go put those up! the one from looks especially cool...

[Edited by - destron on June 27, 2006 4:44:54 PM]
You're looking at a wanna-be right now :P
"Creating Good Game Art When You’re Not An Artist" is broken (404).

Life's like a Hydra... cut off one problem just to have two more popping out.
Leader and Coder: Project Epsylon | Drag[en]gine Game Engine

blogs you might find interesting:

books I highly recommend both for beginners and advanced:

Gregg Kreutz - Problem Solving for Oil Painters: Recognizing What's Gone Wrong and How to Make It Right
James Gurney - Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter
Ian Roberts - Mastering Composition: Techniques and Principles to Dramatically Improve Your Painting

book I recommend for complete beginners (neither "talent" nor knowledge required, if you can write your name with a pencil you have all you need to work with this):

Betty Edwards - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
(there are at least 4 editions of the book, but I don't know which one is best, nor do I think it makes a big difference.)

wow thank you guys

Thanks for sharing! smile.png


posted in 2006? I didn't know they had the internet back then :p

Wow this is super informative! How long did it take you to put all this together?

Pleased to meet you!

necro. locking.

-- Tom Sloper --

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