
A Market for Enthusiasts

Started by April 05, 2006 03:07 PM
9 comments, last by Nikolai Dimoff 6 years, 10 months ago
I have been reading alot from those guys who REALLY want to make games, have ideas for games, have stories they want to make games of, etc.. However most of these don't have the progamming skills (or whatever other skills necessary) to create anything. According to your experience, (1) are there alot of those?, (2) do they have money, (3) is it a good idea to open some kind of development company for such ideas?
[ my blog ]
1) Yes
2) No
3) No

Game Programming Blog:

I cannot disagree with evelyn's interpretation of the issue. can only be succinct :)

(1) are there alot of those?
(2) do they have money,
(3) is it a good idea to open some kind of development company for such ideas?

edit: Wtf?

[Edited by - Salsa on April 5, 2006 6:42:10 PM]
Not enough to commission a game

The few that actually produce a proper design document or full story or anything workable can probably put together their own team or are willing to put in the effort to learn how to make at least prototype.
The rest
A: have no idea what there talking about
B: wont put in the effort to get past a half baked idea
C: can't get over the fact game X + game Y isn’t the end all of gaming

These people will never properly convey what they want because they don’t know what they want and will never be satisfied with what you produce and just aren’t worth it, so in theory you could but know your entire customer base would be the most difficult software customers in existence.
I dont think its a very viable business model. Im assuming someone pays you to make the game, then they get all of the profits in return?

Why not just use a normal business model, take the idea for free if you feel its so good, then split the profits a pre-determined way?

I cant see anyone wanting to pay you to use the idea, what if it flops? what if you do a poor job? However the second model would work, as there is no risk to the individual if it fails.

As mentioned, those that have an idea but do nothing with it, generally are incapable of expresisng it well enough in the first place. If they could express it, they would have hired a team and done it themselves by now.....
Gavin Coates
[size="1"]IT Engineer / Web Developer / Aviation Consultant
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Quote: Original post by evelyn
1) Yes
2) No
3) No

Totally agree
We'll bring your children up in the classic English manner, by making them learn latin, and beating them half to death in a single sex environment.

1. Maybe

2. No

3. Maybe


I'm one of these guys. So you're telling me to throw my idea and give up? Why? I'm pretty sure that there are guys who are good in art, programming etc. and can do something for free if they're interested in the idea. Oh wait... maybe you mean I need to provoke that interest in them? Is this correct? 

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