
Bryce 4 used in game graphics?

Started by January 25, 2001 09:36 AM
4 comments, last by ohman 23 years, 7 months ago
any experience about this? Just wondering how Bryce 4 is being used in real world game project.. thanks!
Thanks for your help, my dear friends!
not much

The reason mainly is it isn''t a modeller, and most of its best features aren''t intended for anything realtime...

...having said that, it could be used for static images etc. (or simple animations, but then you''ll find most poeple will then use MAX, Maya or Softimage, or basically anything with more control)

Quake III Arena used Bryce 3D for the skies, but I don''t know of any other commerical games too use it.

Hope this helps....
The skies in Quake 3 aren''t bryce, they''re done with shaders.

However I believe it was Kingpin that used Bryce for skyboxes around the maps; if not Kingpin then it was one of the other Quake/Quake2 engine games.

my mistake.
Anyone knows where to download a demo of Bryce 3d (NOT bryce 4, as it is only available in an online try version, which does not run on my proxy :-( )
Anyone knows where to download a demo of Bryce 3d (NOT bryce 4, as it is only available in an online try version, which does not run on my proxy :-( )

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