

Started by December 21, 2000 11:41 AM
9 comments, last by xtremedavid 23 years, 8 months ago
There are many facets to starting and running a business. If you''re looking to hire competent developers and not just part-time hobbyists, then you will have to figure out a way to get funding for your company. Usually this will come from your own pockets or as a loan of some sort. In the rare case that you get venture capital or angel investors (e.g. if you have a really really good and well thought out business plan), then you''ve got the monetary needs taken care of.

If you''re just going to develop a game with a couple of people willing to work for free during the weekends or sometime, then you can just concentrate on the development facet of things and postpone setting up a legal company until a product has been developed.

I recommend the later since it shows that you can get something done and not just babble like everyone else about how great your ideas are. Too many people are just DREAMERS and not DOERS. Figure out where you want to go, what you want to do, how you''re going to do it, and finally make sure that you execute!

Remember, it''s 1% inspiration but 99% perspiration. Thinking about the road that you would like to take is the easy part. Actually, walking down the road takes commitment, determination, a willingness to never give up, and few other essential qualities that don''t last too long out there on the road.

Sorry about sounding so pessimistic, but probably 90% or even more of the game dev. companies that get started never really succeed.

Well, good luck!

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