
New Site Design. :)

Started by December 01, 1999 10:14 PM
11 comments, last by komi 24 years, 9 months ago
I didn't have a half an hour to wait for the site to load so I can't offer any opinions. No one is going to wait that long!

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

What is the point of revamping the site when all you have to offer is NeHe's 7th tutorial posing as your "original" creation?

- Splat

1 word. LOADING..........
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
Still Loading..
i'm on cable, so long loading times usually don't affect me, but in your case, komi, i had to wait over 3 minutes to get past the first screen, because your server is slow, and when it was done loading, it crashed Netscape.

my suggestion is this:


I agree. I CAN'T stop using flash! I know what is taking a long to load. I will fix that NOW! It's the FILES page, I have like 30 graphics (bad choice) and that's why... off they go!


Flash is nice for small things, but making your whole site one big flash app is just stupid.
it takes too long to load since the ENTIRE page and every graphic on it is loading in one big download.
I REALLY don't like flash for big things, it's just too slow to load and use.

The verdict : go HTML, and make little flash apps to enhance your HTML!

Sorry man, but your site just blows. You have to totally redesign everything. The user wants to click on stuff, not just a mouse roll over. Human nature. Plus, your hotspots are way too small.

On the bright side, It didn't take very long for it to load on my computer. Of course, I have a cable modem and it is 11:30pm on a sunday, so I guess there isn't much trafic right now.

Keep it up though, and keep improving.

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

The site is interesting. All the animations don't completely finish, at least for me. The text never completely disappears, and when i move over an item when it's just loaded the main screen the initial text just overlaps and it looks like shit until it slides away.

Maybe it's just lack of sleep talking, but: When do we get the cutting-edge 3D graphics engine that the site promises? I see no use in spending all your time on the web site when you have no product...

- Splat

Hey splat, check back on the M3D board, there is more to tell..

As for the real Matrix site (Real? Huh? Just follow the link up there to see what I mean. ), yeah, there is the MGE, or Matrix Game Editor being made for us non-code worthy people. ^_~ You C/C++ folk may laugh at will.


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