

Started by June 08, 2004 02:01 PM
4 comments, last by Programmer One 20 years, 3 months ago
Right now I am using Lua for my scripting needs, however at this time I am open to just about any other scripting language that may be better.... ...Meaning it is well documented (as Lua) and isn''t something experimental.
Perhaps you could tell us what your "scripting needs" involve?

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I am writing a database server that needs scripting to respond to client requests for data. The database is modular, meaning I can replace the type of database the server uses.

I need a scripting langauge that would bind together the server's protocol for requesting data to the database's query language.

So, nothing complicated. Lua does this quite well, but I am open to try anything else.

[edited by - Programmer One on June 8, 2004 3:22:23 PM]
Needs aside I''m fond of Python''s
syntax. Tends to be a touch annoying to trim all the excess out of it however so I''m not too fond of it for in game/app scripting. (too much external requirements, typically.) -- I''ve not tried to embed it in numerous versions however so perhaps this has improved.

Regardless, well documented and large following. Wonderfull things to have on the development machine if nothing else, imho.

I know next to nothing on Ruby

Lisp tends to be popular with some, though I don''t recall if it is scripting or not.

Perhaps VBscript or the like, there was a tutorial around here ( that illistrated how to use.

Anyway a couple of copper..
I''m currently investigating AngelScript and Javascript... GameMonkey also seems like a good deal... It''s like Lua, but has a better host-bind interface.
Or you can use Small
It''s C like, fast, easy to embed, cross platform...

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