
Don't programers just tick you off?

Started by August 16, 2000 09:15 AM
62 comments, last by Mr Cup 23 years, 11 months ago
i''m telling you. learn both.

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
All we need is love, love..

... love is all we need.


or not?

As Mr Cup always says,
''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''
As Mr Cup always says,''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''
I think artists for the most part are lazy, self indulgent
posers with no ambition and a hand out mentality!
thats funny. I havent laughed so hard in a while.
It''s a good idea that the poster (2 posts above) chose to remain anonymous!


I'm fat, you're ugly. I can lose weight.


"We are the music makers, and the dreamers of the dreams."
- Willy Wonka
Thank god for nose-jobs

Some of the reasons why programers don''t have much time
for artists:

Artists are too busy braiding their hair and getting in touch with their female sides.

Artists are always raving on about their talent
as if they are Gods gift to the world. Give me a break.

Stay happy girlies!

oh my god this is the funniest guy ever... I would personally like to know what this guy is basing his crap on.
.......What revelant point are you trying to make anonymous? Pretty much all of my friends are artists, and none of them are like that. And what about the female artists? Surely we''re allowed to braid our hair. If the only artists you''ve met have been pompus femmes, then I pity you. God Given talent? Half the people I know have worked for years to get where they are today, and they still think they suck. As for those who say they''re good, good for them. It shows self esteem as long as they''re not putting themselves above everyone else in the world. I also know many artists who have a day job. Da Vinci was an inventor as well as a painter. So before you start generalizing, get to know some different types of people. Also, if you only know arrogant mooches, that says something about you, doesn''t it?

"Curse those evil Octopi"
-Genma Saotome
I''M A MEDIEVAL MAN!!!! (play chrono cross. you''ll get it.)
Hmmm i think we shut up this annonymous poster guy pretty good. good work mistres chevy.

Why does my life have to be so hard in every world?

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