
RPG's dont have any Characters

Started by August 07, 2000 07:40 AM
39 comments, last by Paul Cunningham 24 years, 1 month ago
If I ever get anywhere in my "Learning Experience" then you would actually be REWARDED for not killing. I expect for at least the setup to show situations where the creatures DO NOT attack the player, but the player then has a choice about whether he/she attacks the creatures. Its all that dream bit that I don''t really want to have to explain again... so just read my doc

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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I had an idea that would explain much better what i''m trying to get across here so here goes. Have a Random Characterists Chart which gets implemented at the and of character creation.
Roll of:
1-4 = Somber character
3=Picks his/her nose a lot
5-8 = Egotistical
5=Loud Voice
6=Scratches private parts
7=Prefers mead of wine
8=can''t stand the smell of firewine

you get point, so character will have character. Please don''t take the above table as some sort of gospel on "How to do it" it was just an explainatory note. Remeber there no reason why no to have an option that will allow the character to decide how much character that they may want their character to have. "A-little" could equal one roll of the dice, "Some" could equal 2 rolls of the dice. Or the player could be allowed to choose from a menu of characteristics. These characterists would then be played out by the character once the game has started (not overbearingly at course).

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Nice idea.

But is it really worth it ?

Players might simply not find what they want in this system.

On my side I''m working with characters expressions (facial and body language).

This can be combined with what you propose, but maybe you''re too far away on the road of game design.

Of course I will enjoy such a game, but the average player may feel lost with so many possibilities.

[Of course if these possibilities are changing the world as much as the Alignement in Baldur''s Gate...]

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
quote: Original post by Ingenu

Nice idea.

But is it really worth it ?

Players might simply not find what they want in this system.

On my side I''m working with characters expressions (facial and body language).

This can be combined with what you propose, but maybe you''re too far away on the road of game design.

Of course I will enjoy such a game, but the average player may feel lost with so many possibilities.

[Of course if these possibilities are changing the world as much as the Alignement in Baldur''s Gate...]

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-

Agreed, esspecially with the nice idea bit I wish i spent more time with my Paint Shop Pro so i could insert some graphics to show what i''m going on about but it could be done without showing the player all of these character traits, instead just by click 1 of 5 buttons that say something from zero character traits to tonnes of character traits for my character. But thanks for the feedback.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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You''re welcome

I was a bit hard in my first comments I think, sorry, it''s because I was tired...

I think that you can maybe mixed premade (arhetypes) characters with custom one.
This will let any kind of player enjoy you''re game.
oh, and BTW, I think it''s nice to give the player some interaction based on the traits he chooses for his PC, even if it''s some sentences in the game.

Such interactivities will make hardcore gamers play the game several times to see what the differences are

-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
Sounds ok, but I am not fussy at the moment. I am just wondering of your word choice: "arhetype". Would this be "stereotype" or some other "standard and customisable" meaning? Just a q

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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Welllll, that''s a good point you''re making dwarsoft.
I think he meant "ready made". The question is that you could have a cliche character (the brave knight whose wife was slain and who is going to take revenge. He would preferably look very dark and sinister, say like a vampire ? ), or a model character (a stereotype). The problem is that in RPG most cliche ARE archetypes that just have been so overused without any sort of modifications that they become, well, clicheesque ?

Anyway I want the same thing than in any paper RPG :

you can choose a ready made character that just fit in the scenario (we are going in the mountains to defeat an evil Troll, ho handy that my dwarf has spend his childhood in the mountains, and decided to become a TrollSlayer )

Or you can fully create your character from scratch.

Paul : you idea is very much the system called advantage/penalties used in some games.
These are traits of character, or abilities that can bring a bonus to the character, or a malus.
You start with an amount of customization points, and you can spend them to give advantages to your char, and if you want more, you can take penalties, that in turn give you some extra points to spend on other bonuses.

For instance in INS/MV (In Nomine in english), you play either Demons or Angels, and I clearly remember some physical attributes like "red eyes","eyes glow in the dark","horns", etc ... where your demon would be much more distinguishable, the more disabling the handicap, the more points your could invest in other advantages (who cares about our red eyes, if you are a famous rock band guitarist, hey, who knows what Marilyn Manson is really playing with ? )

More thoughts later

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
well, at least that is sorted now

I would really prefer character building anyway. I just realised that in diablo II that your NPCs can increase levels too . Its a pretty good idea that I hadn''t thought of, so It may go in the doc too. But anyway... You should be able to build up your character and not just have an "amnesia" of the past. Troll Slaying is a skill right? well, maybe your dwarf had been training as one.. but has never actually done it; so you build your characters actual experience.

Just more thoughts, but I think I am running out of ideas or something

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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by Ahw
Paul : you idea is very much the system called advantage/penalties used in some games.
These are traits of character, or abilities that can bring a bonus to the character, or a malus.
You start with an amount of customization points, and you can spend them to give advantages to your char, and if you want more, you can take penalties, that in turn give you some extra points to spend on other bonuses.

On the contrary ahw, that''s exactly the type of system i''m trying to aviod becasue it''s encouraging the abuse of role and character. What i''m ranting on about is just having character traits in the game to add to the character of the game in general. I think in a mmorpg it would be really cool if everyone disguished their character by using (traits) things like "this character mutters to its self when its standing still" or "this character occasionally farts". It doesn''t have to be a funny trait but just something that adds to the overall enjoyment of the game. A way of making my character different without there being any stats or skills attached. Then i think we might start to see some role playing online.

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

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It sounds like a cool addition. You would see the character onscreen, others would pass you and hear you fart and they would laugh. It would be really good to see. I have seen text based adventure where if you type in some commands then you get rather amusing responses. FART was one command that made my character feel much better. But F*** would be responded by "Please! This is a family adventure!", but I digress.

I think it would look really good if you could distinguish character traits in the actual game, and so could other players. Then you might have a method of describing your character to others without the use of numbers

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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