
The Next Generation of Games

Started by August 06, 2000 10:04 AM
1 comment, last by Paul Cunningham 24 years, 1 month ago
We''re currently looking down the barrel of some very specy games consoles that are going to be allowing for more graphical detail, physics, and internet capabilities. With these new abilities in games then it stands to reason that game designer should be re-evaluating what the next generation of games will and should be like. For one, the general audience for games will be a lot larger with the induction of dvd on consoles. So users will be critising us if we don''t make games that appeal to the older audiences. RPG''s are currently doing a pretty good job in my books when it comes to appeal to older people. But lets face it, people want complexity, they want maturity in the game design. I also believe that making these games for these people would be a lot of fun. So where would the first step be when designing a game for a more mature audience AND greater graphical detail with more interlectual simulation? We''re not going to be overcome by some walk-in so called "Professionals" are we I love Game Design and it loves me back. Our Goal is "Fun"!
See what I am trying to evaluate in "The future of RPGs" for my view on the direction RPGs should be headed.. It isn''t anywhere near finished and I have also a need to add some extra headings in (actually I already have, but I haven''t U/L it yet ).

Offkey: You are making an awefully large ammount of thought provoking Posts this morning aren''t you paul ... and it is only 1:30AM

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I just got a nasty "Stop it" message on the crosswinds server dwarfsoft. Can you give me the URL?

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