
=Zenesis Project=

Started by March 13, 2004 05:34 AM
1 comment, last by idofex 20 years, 6 months ago
heya everyone, i am pleased and excited to announce publicly than Idofex Studios and Zenesis Arts have started work on their first game! the project is being called Zenesis but the release name is yet to be decided. it will be heavy sci-fi, MMO''ish in that the ownership of accounts and ingame possession and customizing will be there, but i hesitate to call it an MMO, because there will be no leveling or questing (that is planned), but we will need servers to keep playing information and the likes. the project is still in its very early stages, a ton of concept art is done with and more spilling out every day. we have a few models done, but are lacking a programmer/networking guy(s) so are holding off on more until we decide on an engine so we can model around its needs and such. right now we are looking for more people that are willing to get in on it. we need dedicated mature people with the desire and skill to help, as of now we have me (concept art, project organizer, modeler, animater, webmaster, and gameplay balance),habbs (webmaser, server, concept art), and jay(main concept atrist, modeler and animater). so we are lacking sound, programming, networking, and can always use more concepters modelers animaters etc. so if you think you have something to offer and want to be part of this, get in touch. our internet stuff is currently moving around, but here it is at the moment. (current boards) (moving to these boards) (temp. website) if you want more info you can contact me directly and so if you are seriously interested get in touch, this is our first project and have high asperations. me and jay are currently students at Collins College in AZ computer animations majors, habbs is in canada .
Why have you posted in every forum are you an idiot???
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