
Valentines Forum Game

Started by February 14, 2004 11:40 PM
2 comments, last by sunandshadow 20 years, 7 months ago
Time once again for that zany social activity, the forum game! This time the theme is, as you may have gathered, valentines day and romance (or perhaps rampant capitalist materialism ^_~ ). If you don''t know how to play a forum game, please search the word ''forum'' and read some of our previous games. Here are your starters: - oragami roses The must be made, not purchased. They may or may not be perfumed in some way. They must be given to someone. - murphy''s law (anything that can go wrong, will) - can''t have valentines day without chocolate - be creative in how you include it though! - love is blind - a love letter - flowers - rpg cliches, for example the foozle quest and the reversal villian. Use as many as humorously as possible. - butterflies - monsters - the colors pink and red (use fun synonyms like puce and crimson!) - some well-known love poems, like "my luv is like a red red rose" and "she walks in beauty like the night" - one of the characters must be a soldier of some description, perhaps a knight or a marine - an imaginary friend, to whom the character affected by murphy''s law laments his ill luck. Okay, get started! Have fun!

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Ok, how about one of those impossibly unrealistic RPG towers where each level has a bunch of islands and pathways between islands and you can jump off the paths to drop to lower levels (miraculously without harm). Insert cliche about needing to deliberatly fall in order to get some good treasure. Add in the twist that some of the pathways are invisible.

The tower is populated by chocolate golems. When you kill a chocolate golem it melts into a puddle of chocolate and covers the floor in the nearby area. This makes it sticky, and a hazard for player character shoes. Also, the chocolate will reveal nearby invisible pathways.

Chocolate golems don''t take much damage from normal attacks. Fire (anything from flamethrowers to pocket monster dragons) will cause the golems to melt, doing extra damage. Cold (anything from liquid nitrogen to cold spells) will cause the golems to harden, which heals them, but also slows them down and makes the temporarily more vulnerable to physical attacks. Using fire on a frozen golem will negate the status effects.

I think the golems should reform after some long period of time, making any covered walkways invisible again, and possibly dragging anyone standing where the puddle was back towards where the golem was killed.

Chocolate golems are made of solid, soft, semi-sweet chocolate. No nuts, caramel, nougat, candy bits, etc. At some point I think someone should try to eat the remains of a chocolate golem and spend the rest of the time in the tower on a sugar high.

The boss monster for the tower, will be a Nougat Golem. It deserves the capitalization. After the Nougat Golem is defeated, the same character that ate the chocolate golem remains should try to eat some of the remains of the Nougat Golem, which will cause any other characters in the area to try to stop him/her in desperation to prevent an even greater sugar high. (The nougat, having different properties, won''t create puddles or reform in the same way the chocolate golems do.)

The tower itself will be made of (In addition to the completely invisible pathways) a combination of clear and rose tinted crystal of various opacities. The actual floating islands will be nearly fully opaque crystals (think dark rubies). The walls would be mosiacs of nearly transparent clear and rose crystal, with no seeming pattern or images. The character on the sugar high might find some of the light patterns caused by the various crystal refractions hilarious. This seems not so much a factor of the blood-sugar level, but more inherent in the character''s personality.
Lol, the idea of a sugar-high lending surreality to the PC''s perspective is great! ^_^ Fits perfectly with him having an imaginary best friend - we could even name her Sugar.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

And the player has to go defeat the nougat golem because it stole the player''s credit card which he was going to pay for his girlfriend''s presents with.

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