
passing objects/classes to/from lua and c++

Started by February 07, 2004 11:19 PM
2 comments, last by nekoflux 20 years, 6 months ago
hey: does anyone have a good url showing a decent example of how to pass class/object instances to a lua function, and possibly passing class instances back to cpp? thanks!
here is my attempt to clarify with some example pseudo code:
lets say I register the lua function in c++, so that my c++ code can call init(),a lua function. I also want to pass an instance of a class (DataObj) to this init function so that it is accessible and manipulatable in the lua

heres the cpp for the class I want pass to lua:
class DataObj{public:   void div();   void avg();} 

heres the pseudo code for the lua init() function that will be called from cpp:
function init()dat = lua_popstack(); //pops an instance of Dataclass dat.div();  --execute method of class that was passed to luaend 

Is this even possible? Am I doing this in a retarded way? Perhaps there is a simpler way to go about this...


>> Is this even possible? Am I doing this in a retarded way? Perhaps there is a simpler way to go about this...

Yes it is possible, don''t worry it took me ages to understand how passing data between languages worked. Don''t worry about lua_popstack, or in fact about any of the lua api, if you choose luabind it does it all for you...

extern "C"{#include <lua.h>#include <lualib.h>#include <lauxlib.h>}#include <luabind\luabind.hpp>#include <iostream>using namespace std;using namespace luabind;lua_State* L;// Object to transfer to luaclass DataObj{public:       void div() { cout << "div" << endl; }    void avg() { cout << "avg" << endl; }};int main(){    // Open Lua    L = lua_open();    {        lua_baselibopen(L);        lua_iolibopen(L);        lua_strlibopen(L);        lua_mathlibopen(L);        // Prepare Luabind        open(L);        // Export the definition of DataObj to Lua        module(L)        [            class_<DataObj>("DataObj")            .def(constructor<>())            .def("div", &DataObj::div)            .def("avg", &DataObj::avg)        ];        // Retrieve all global objects in Lua        object globals = get_globals(L);        // Set the yourname variable in the global namespace        globals["yourname"] = DataObj();        // Invoke script (error handling omitted)        lua_dofile(L, "test.lua");            }    // Close Lua (Luabind shutsdown automatically)    lua_close(L);    return 0;}

-- Luabind Module
function init()
ah, i was about to ask how to get global varibles from a lua script and you''re example above appears to have answered the question for me before i even asked it, cheers

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