
LUA-script gives: unexpected symbol near ' '

Started by January 21, 2004 06:38 AM
8 comments, last by moboko 20 years, 7 months ago
Hello, I am new to Lua and when I run the following code, I always get the same errormessage saying: "test.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '' '' ".. Am I forgeting something?.. Here is my samplecode: #include <iostream.h> extern "C" { #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include <lualib.h> } #include <luabind/luabind.hpp> using namespace luabind; class CTest { public: CTest(){}; void Boo(){ cout << "LLaP"; } }; int main( int argc , char* argv []) { lua_State* luaVM = lua_open(); luabind::open( luaVM); module( luaVM) [ class_("Test") .def(constructor<>()) .def("Boo", &CTest::Boo) ]; lua_dofile( luaVM, "test.lua"); lua_close( luaVM); cin.get(); return 0; } *----- test.lua -----* T = Test() T:Boo()
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iostream>
I changed it in #include <iostream> but when I do that I''ll get compiler-errors :

error C2065: ''cout'' : undeclared identifier
error C2297: ''<<'' : illegal, right operand has type ''char [5]''
error C2065: ''cin'' : undeclared identifier
error C2228: left of ''.get'' must have class/struct/union type
Error executing cl.exe.

using namespace std;
Humble,Yet l33t
Of course... using namespace std!
I changed it and it compiled but I still get the former error:
test.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '' '' ... I don''t understand why...
quote: Original post by moboko
Of course... using namespace std!
I changed it and it compiled but I still get the former error:
test.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '' '' ... I don''t understand why...

I can''t really take a peek at the code just yet to see what''s going on. I''m in the midst of a move right now across the country and my home gear is still in transit. I''ll take a peek at the problem here in the next couple of days (when my stuff lands), unless you get a fix before hand.
Humble,Yet l33t
Okay, thx for the effort Ashley Matheson... good luck with your "translation" through the country.... I''ll have cleaned and rebuild the Lua5.0 and the luabind-b6 libs. Tomorrow I''ll test them and see if I''ll get the same error...
Aaaah.... I solved the problem... I used notepad and/or wordpad to edit my scriptfiles, these editors set extra control-characters in the files invisible to the eye, but visible to
the lua-interpreter... using my plain old dos-edit solves the problem :-)....
quote: Original post by moboko
Aaaah.... I solved the problem... I used notepad and/or wordpad to edit my scriptfiles, these editors set extra control-characters in the files invisible to the eye, but visible to
the lua-interpreter... using my plain old dos-edit solves the problem :-)....

Really? I've never had that problem with lua. Even older version.

And it's Ash.

[edited by - ashleymatheson on January 23, 2004 5:13:38 PM]
Humble,Yet l33t
So You didn''t have this problem I had with the control-chars Mr. Ashley?.... hmmm, that sounds strange indeed... I noticed by accident that the filesize was different between 2 lua-scripts that looked apparently the "same"... So I opened the file that had a bigger size and saw a couple of extra control-chars in it.... The only thing I noticed aside from this was when I used "setlocale( LC_ALL, NULL);" before the lua_dofile... the lua_dofile returned a different error-code.... maybe it has something to do with the language and region settings but I am not familiar with that, so it remains a guess to me... thanks for your reactions and have a nice time on your new location Mr. Ashley.

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