
Time Travel

Started by January 14, 2004 08:32 PM
69 comments, last by Nahoopii 20 years, 8 months ago
Im currently working on a story where the character takes part in a few instances of time travel.. The main character actually goes back in time, finds his youngerself, sends his youngerself forward in time in an attempt to protect himself, completes some tasks, then shoots forward in time to recieve his youngerself whom he sent forward in time, and finishes out the story.. (what a mouthful)... As convoluted as that may seem, its really turning out to be an interesting tale. Im curious if anyone has some input on how to explain time travel.. Im very open to suggestions, but Im not really interested in a "time machine". I was hoping to explain the time travel ability as having achieved some sort of mental elightenment, but havent sorted out the details as of yet... anyone have a suggestion or any input at all? Thanks.
I have a suggestion, maybe sorta dumb but here goes. Time, to me, is like a series of "frames" that, if manipulated turn out a total different "movie" now if a person were to go back to a descision and and change what happened here, the origional movie would dissapear, so if this person found a mental way to project himself into one of these "frames" then he could just skim from descision to descison untill he found the one where he wanted to send his yunger self back in...
Sorta dumb but u said u were oen to suggestions
BoC HomepageLuck is a Horse to ride like any other...Luckily im not a gambler, I dont know how to ride.
I dont think that its dumb at all, and I totally appreciate your willingness to offer an opinion..

I like that, the analogy of time and frames.. thats good, now I have got something to work with.. I guess I just dont want to some thrown together solution, like I said, such as a "time machine"

Time is much like frames as it is, with each passing second its almost like our minds have a refresh rate... But if we are able to tap into these frames, its solely within our own minds.. do you think that physical changes while the character is in this state are believable? How can I take this explanation of time travel where the character skims through the frames of time, and relate that process to making actual changes in time? For example, I can, in theory, think back about my past and "skim frames of time" and remember my past, but I cant interact and make changes in my past.. so I guess I still dont have an explanation, of why its possible for the main character to do it..

I know time travel is not possible, so a sound and perfect explanation in my story I guess is not fesible.. but if you have anything to add, please do!
Time travel is not necessarily impossible; We don't really know yet. There are many theories that suggest time travel is possible.

Quite often time travel stories are based on existing theories. Star Trek is a good example. Event Horizon is another (the film). It may be worth your while doing some research on the arrow of time and general relativity and that sort of thing. Get some ideas from these theories to explain the time travel in your story.

[edited by - TheBigJ on January 14, 2004 10:16:18 PM]
Julian McKinlay
Thanks Big, I''ll go rent that and check it out this weekend...
Okay, time travel is a pain in the butt, and you really have to nail down your metaphysics to make it work. You have to know before you write exactly what will happen when you change the past.

The best system I''ve come up with so far is all kinds of complex, but is nearly limitless. I go beyond the standard 4D time model and incorporate possibility as the fifth dimension. It''s really cool.

I''ve got to go to work, but I''ll come back and post a suggestion that will rock your world tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. I''m kinda lazy. Heck, I might wait until 2009 and then travel back in time to post this, but here''s the beauty of the system: You''ll never see what I post! But you will. Sorta. This is such a cool theory.
time travel, eh?

There are plenty of ways to explain it, but among them the only one I truly hate is "magic." This is the lamest excuse for time travel ever. evar.

no matter how it is done, some simple, basic rules must apply:

1: A person in the past is not affected by what happens to him in the future. A person who kills his grandfather (a commonly misunderstood paradox) does not vanish out of existence. When a person leaves his time and enters another, he is isolated from the effects of what occurs as consequences of his actions unless it effects him while he is doing it.

2: Time travel is secret. If the word got out that time travel was possible, we would have suffered through futuristic wars and brutal dictators and stuff. Evil people would take over stuff in the past.

3: Time travel is not infinite. A person should not be able to transport endlessly or instantly to different times at the slightest whim. Just wouldn''t be cool.

Anyways thats about it.
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
If you read any reputable science magazine, such as Science News, or speak to any reputable scientist or physicist, all of them will say that mathematically and physically, time travel is impossible, at least to go back in time. But time travel into the future isn''t necessarily impossible. You can slow time down if you travel near the speed of light, which we cannot do yet.
Author Freeworld3D
quote: Original post by Chokki
1: A person in the past is not affected by what happens to him in the future. A person who kills his grandfather (a commonly misunderstood paradox) does not vanish out of existence. When a person leaves his time and enters another, he is isolated from the effects of what occurs as consequences of his actions unless it effects him while he is doing it.

I prefer an alternative theory where it''s impossible to change events that have happened. You can''t kill your grandfather before he makes your grandmother pregnant, for example, because by proxy you wouldn''t exist to kill him. But if your grandfather was killed some time after your parent was born, you could in theory be the person to kill him by travelling back in time and doing the deed. In the same way, you can go back in time and meet yourself - but you would have already had to have met your future self. If you went back in time and didn''t meet your past self, then you wouldn''t have met your future self in the first place. It brings up all sorts of philosophical questions like determinism, predestination and such, quite effectively summed up in the Matrix films: "You''ve already chosen the path..."

As far as gameplay is concerned, this means that if your character goes back in time, certain plot-critical events must have occurred, and certain plot-critical events must not. For example, if someone is assassinated in the past, you can''t prevent it by going back in time, but you can witness it. If you''re the one who assassinates them, you can''t baulk out of it... which includes dying in the process, unfortunately (you really have to sort that problem out ). If you saw yourself in the past you''ll see yourself again. If you never met yourself you can still go back in time and *observe* your past self without being spotted. Or maybe you saw some mysterious person take out all the guards around you then run away - you later realise that this was your future self hiding in the bushes, when you visit this scene later on in the game. Another nice touch might be that in the "future" time zones you might be able to read about certain events (in newspapers, libraries or archives) that seem irrelevant at the time. You later go back in time and visit the places that the article was about. When you return and read the articles again, you realise that you actually had things to do with the little irrelevant things.

Note that this all requires that the game constrains what you can and what you can''t do. This isn''t really a problem, considering that it''s no more constrained than 99% of the games out there already. It just means that you''re forced to do certain things and preveted from doing other things.

Also, remember that just by being made out of matter we''re bending time around us. It''s not a linear thing, it''s just our perception of it that it.

Right. I''m off down the pub.

[teamonkey] [blog] [tinyminions]
quote: Original post by Nahoopii
Im curious if anyone has some input on how to explain time travel..

The concept is simplier than people make it. The faster you move the slower in time you move until ultimately you move backward in time. The slower you move, the faster in time you move until ultimately you move forward in time.

The breaking point is the speed of light and zero velocity. That''s why if electrons travel faster than the speed of light, they arrive sooner than they left.

It kind of explains how electrons seem to teleport in an electron cloud.
*News is my new domain.

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