
The crit group thread

Started by January 10, 2004 03:29 PM
0 comments, last by liquiddark 20 years, 8 months ago
Just got my first batch of manus for critting from Critters (this is my second time joining), and I''m looking to see how many of the writers here have experience with writing and critique groups. I''ve tried several online forums, and I was part of a short-lived SF&F writing group in the provincial capital, but those experiences were complete rubbish in comparison to the professionalism and value provided in Critters. Anyone else have any crit group experience they want to share? ld
No Excuses
A few years back I''d joined a crit group formed by a friend. Just a few local writers who wanted to refine their art; it wasn''t genre-specific, the goal was just to encourage each other to keep writing.

What I found the most use for out of it was learning how to write for people outside your own target audience. There were phrases, names and descriptions that I''d taken for granted without realizing it, simply because I know fans of the genre would know exactly what I was referring to.

For example I''d written a short set in medieval fantasy. Most of the people in my group were not fans and had read very little fantasy stories, so their familiarity was limited to movies and fairy tales. When I mentioned Elves they pictured Santa Claus'' workshop; I named weapons such as dirks, claymores, talbards...and they had blank expressions on their faces.

It forced me to stop and ask who I was writing for, ultimately - or perhaps who it was I really wanted to read my work. By answering that I wanted to draw people to the genre, and my work, who might never have read it otherwise - it meant I had to throw away all my assumptions and start over, looking at my work from the perspective of someone who had never picked up that kind of story before.

Unfortunately the group disbanded when the organizer moved to Florida, but it was a great experience. I''d recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat.
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.

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