
Where to start on mod development?

Started by January 10, 2004 02:28 PM
1 comment, last by DotDKay 20 years, 8 months ago
Is the book: Half-Life 2: Mod Maker's Source Guide : Prima's Official Strategy Guide worth buying? Im thinking of starting to do game development with making mods for different games and i "fell" over this one, and im wondering if tit´s worth buying, and how good should you be to use this book. I have programmed in c++ for some years now. Btw can you guys recommend a website where there are tutorials/articles on mod development topics. [edited by - dotdkay on January 10, 2004 3:30:21 PM]
It all depends on the game you wish to mod. Judging by your post, I imagine your going after Half Life 2. Do a google search for Planet Half Life. They are a group of like individuals such as yourself and would be far better at pointing you to well written tutorials.
It''s 160 pages first off. Thats hardly any information. Secondly, considering it was written before the source theft, it''s information may be outdated a little bit. I personally think you''re better off asking questions on message boards and reading tutorials than buying a book like that

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