
New Year - New Story

Started by January 01, 2004 02:56 PM
16 comments, last by CHASIS-BLADE 20 years, 8 months ago
Here is another one. (It is set 10 years after a great calamity) I and Pamela was ready to see him again...6 months he had been there..its not a prison but...more of a safehouse...keep him safe...out of harm. I watched how they treated a dog..draging him by the hair into that ''Cell'' but it looked more like a hole than a cell. I visit him reguarly...just to check on him...thats all...Last month I got three stitches...Seven more a week later...he is not angry..just confused...his hurts him. We had no choice but to restrain him after the incident...he killed 10 men with his own hands...tearing away the flesh and ripping out there tourtured and Pamela...his sister...had to. After his escape...we dont know how it happened...he just it began...our hunt...our journey...the fight...we are ready.....lets go. The game is a third person action game set in the future. You will switch between the two characters mid game and you will have over 20 weapons each to fight with. Learn from the past with flashback events and understand what happened. Dare you take the challange to find him and stop him. Find out soon in.....Specimen 59602
A little thin, but it definitely has potential. I''m just curious: Why do you need 40 different weapons to fight one guy, invincible though he may be? You can''t possibly use them all at once. Puzzle elements? Other, more minor enemies? For a hunt/kill type game, I''d think one or two weapons would be enough.

Some more info, please.
I guess it comes across as simplistic - there really isn''t enough in the plot (or the description you gave) to comment on. You started off by saying it all takes place after some major event (which I assume is apocalyptic in nature), but I''m not clear what bearing that event has on the scenario you described. It reads more like the prototypical lab experiment gone wrong, and the specimen escaping into the wilds.

If I stretch my imagination very hard I can see 40 weapons/snares/various equipment being used, but on the whole I agree with Iron - overkill. A choice of 10 each, or a total of 10-20 different items max, would seem more logical.

I''m a bit confused as to the challenge, other than re-capturing the specimen. Are there other specimens out in the wild? Communications cut off? Is this a remote island location, or is there a major metropolitan city that needs to be concerned? Are you trapped as well? Is he/it hunting you as well? What happened to the other guards?

Do you, as the player, know what the specimen is? Why he''s there? You hint at a personal story; if that''s true, why the mystery leading up to it? That tool is usually reserved for the "I woke up and don''t know where I am or what i''m doing here" scenario; it works if the game is played from the standpoint of the Specimen, but not from the perspective of the keepers/scientists/guards.
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
Sorry I will give more details.

On a visit to see ''him'' in a military compound in Alaska a power failure occurs and ''he'' escapes.
It is going to be hard to find him...and kill him, they never had any form of Tagging they could use that he could not rip off with his nails.
Learn from the Past what happened to ''Him'' and stop him from hurting anymore.
The weapons thing was a Typo, its not 20 but 8 weapons each..sorry I was tired at time of writing.

The weapons for Regina are:

9mm Pistol
Samurai Sword
Tag Bomb - Thow one onto enemy and after 5 secs BOOM!
Mech Pistol
BlackBlood Dart Gun - a chemical compound that eats away at enemys from the inside
Electro Net - When caught in the net enemies will get shocked until they die.
Eden Launcher - A weapon that fires a stream of electrified Bullets and finaly a Bomb that explodes on contact
Sonica - A experimental Weapon that fires a shockwave of sound that explodes enemys on contact (Last Level Only!)

The Weapons for Pamela are:

Tazer Cannon - Fires a Dart That Fries An Enemy.
Fire Capsule - A Capsule of Gas fires at a enemy and on contact the shell breaks and releases the gas but when the gas comes into contact with the outer side of the capsule the Gas ignites and burns an enemy.
Lazer Bomb - A small grenade is fired but on explosion a dome of energy is released.
Fire Blood - Like Blackblood But Ignites enemys from the inside.
Warzone - A Weapon that acts like a sniper Rifle.
HATE - Basicly a Death Beam (Last Level Only)

System - You will be able to use your Guns a Sword/Shurikens at the same time for amazing results.
Also the game will have a Positive Feedback ablity (Like Limits From FF7) that does even more damage.

Give me time And I will get more stroy down.
Oh and by the way the game is kinda like A hunt but Is it ''Him'' You are looking for or is it..........
Okay, one more time. Why is it that I, while looking for a single individual in the wilderness, will ever be required to bust out a gun, a sword AND some throwing stars at the same damn time? Will there be dozens of weaker enemies to fight? Will he clone himself? What situation will require a fury of many-armed death? I figure that if an AK-47 isn''t doing the job, chucking a ninja star at him won''t make a hell of a lot of difference.
So many "..."''s!

It''s Maxd Gaming, put in an underscore and I will beat you with a rubber ducky!
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Sorry...I should explain more.
This ''Person'' you have to kill is no ordenary person...he is nearly indestructable and Feels no pain.
He is a boy who was taken years ago by an agency to test a new mutogen on him..but the experment failed..he was transformed into a creature of destruction.
So it now up to his Sister and his good freind to stop him once and for all.
Sorry...forgot to put that down.
Iron *might* be asking more along the lines of who I, as the character, am that I''d even be able to use these items, let alone have access to them. Why am I visiting this specimen? Why am I the one they send after it? And why do I need so many weapons (when any special forces/stealth military type is unlikely to carry a sword or a BFG)? Am I trying to kill him or capture him? What else is in the surrounding terrain to add to the danger?

And if Iron isn''t asking...I am
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
Where did all those weapons come from? Did she goto visit her brother and bring along her trusty katana just in case?
If you want to have a number of weapons they don''t need to by hightech. Ever seen predator? Arnie is makes his own weapons with what he finds around him to take on the big bad predator.

You say Pamala gets a sonica on the last level, But I thought they where chasing this person out in the wilderness, how did she arrive at some advanced experimental weapons lab?

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Who said anything about hunting for him in the Wilderness..
About the weapons...well you gotta have force to bring him down.
You also metioned getting the army involved..but Regina And Pamela think that it should be themselves that bring him down...he would want it that way.
Next time just put a list of qestions down and I will try to answer them.

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