
Reversing Cliches to create good stories

Started by November 28, 2003 10:00 AM
2 comments, last by TechnoGoth 20 years, 9 months ago
Can anyone think of any cliches that could be alterted to create good stories? For instance one that came to me off the top of my head was that in many comics mutants/super heros are shown as having advanced high tech equipment far beyond what the rest of world possess. But would make more interesting stories if these people where pushed to bottom rungs of societ left with little or nothing except what they could scavenge? ----------------------------------------------------- Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades Current Design project Chaos Factor Design Document
I sometimes wonder about that. I imagine people like Batman etc. live in huge caves with lots of machinery and technology because even though they are now good, when they first got their powers they used them to steal money, kill the people that bullied them in highschool, spied on naked women if they had see-through vision. Like criminals in a james bond movie who spend a lot of money building a huge cave first, their life is funded by crime.

How about a game where a superhero doesn''t have to behave like a boring saintlike do-gooder ? Where you must stop criminals and catch people plotting to steal vases from the museum in missions, but in between you can roam the world freely, cause mayhem and commit crimes if you feel like it, use a lot of violence ? Where you must upgrade your equipment and buy new stuff, but to do so you must get the money. And if you are too visible robbing banks or drug dealers, you lose credibility points.
quote: Original post by Fidelio66
How about a game where a superhero doesn''t have to behave like a boring saintlike do-gooder ? Where you must stop criminals and catch people plotting to steal vases from the museum in missions, but in between you can roam the world freely, cause mayhem and commit crimes if you feel like it, use a lot of violence ? Where you must upgrade your equipment and buy new stuff, but to do so you must get the money. And if you are too visible robbing banks or drug dealers, you lose credibility points.

Makes me think of Spawn and the Punisher.
Games that let you play as good or evil always rock, especially games where theres always a continuing plot.

Knights of the Old Republic and Fallout come to mind.

Oh how I hate playing a game as some created character, and dialogue options don''t exist that are like:
"I don''t have time for this, I''ll just kill you and take your money."

Why do I always have to say:
"Sure I''ll do that!"
"Hey I''d be honoured to be your servant in finding your lost kitten!"

I''m not like that in real-life! Maybe I''m just insane...

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