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GameDev: Arena Tournament - Round 1

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6 comments, last by khawk 20 years, 8 months ago
The results of Round 1 are in. Tailslide, Mushu, and Dustbot advance in the Winner's Bracket, while LiquidIntell, Hexagon, and Nosfera move on to Loser Bracket action. This means tomorrow's matches in Round 2 Winner's Bracket action will be:
  • Tailslide (1-0) vs. HuBot (0-0)
  • Mushu (1-0) vs. Dustbot (1-0) And for the Loser's Bracket:
  • LiquidIntell (0-1) vs. Hexagon (0-1)
  • Nosfera (0-1) vs. Loser of Tailslide vs. HuBot Here's the tournament bracket after Round 1: Match summaries: Match 1: Tailslide vs. LiquidIntell The bots start on equally opposite sides of the arena in the first tournament action of this GameDev: Arena contest. After thirty seconds of hunting, Tailslide and LiquidIntell find each other in the middle. LiquidIntell fires the first shot with his gun, but misses as Tailslide goes behind a rock. Tailslide then fires a grenade whose blast radius barely misses LiquidIntell, who has taken evasive action and headed into the top-right corner of the arena. Tailslide follows in pursuit but maintains a healthy distance from LiquidIntell by lobbing grenades over the trees and rocks separating the two bots. One lobbed grenade hits LiquidIntell while in the corner, resulting in an evasive move that actually gets the bot stuck between two rocks as though it was unsure what to do next. Tailslide takes advantage of this and positions itself to allow for a lethal dose of gun fire and grenade lobbings. LiquidIntell notices the repositioning and starts firing its gun. Tailslide takes plenty of damage, but the combination attack of bullets and grenades proves to be too much for LiquidIntell as Tailslide takes the victory with 2:11 remaining in the match. Final health score: Tailslide 42, LiquidIntell 0. Tailslide advances, LiquidIntell goes to the Loser's Bracket. Match 2: Mushu vs. Hexagon The second match of the round is quick and painful. Within five seconds, both bots find each other and begin exchanging gun fire. Mushu moves behind a rock during this exchange and lobs a grenade. In retaliation, Hexagon launches its own grenade. A ten second bombardier ensues between the two bots in an all out struggle for survival as gun fire and grenades fill the air in a close combat fight to the end. If a lesson is to be learned from this match, it is that grenades and close combat do not mix. Despite heavy casualties on both sides, this match turns into a free-for-all in the closing seconds, until finally a grenade launched by Hexagon lands and explodes directly in the middle of both bots. Upon detonation of this grenade, only one bot remains standing: Mushu. Hexagon has committed suicide with 2:45 remaining in the match. Final health score: Mushu 7, Hexagon 0. Mushu advances, Hexagon goes to the Loser's Bracket. Match 3: Nosfera vs. Dustbot The longest match of the round, yet the most interesting. After thirty seconds of hunting, Dustbot finds Nosfera in a state of oblivion and pounds him with a healthy dose of gun fire. Dustbot then loses track of Nosfera who has run behind a tree. A few seconds later, and the bots are looking at each other and emptying their stash of grenades. The only problem that neither bot appears to realize is that a tree is directly in the middle of their positions and in their line of fire. After approximately ten seconds of grenade lobbing madness from both bots, with neither side taking damage, Dustbot backs away and out of the line of sight of Nosfera, who then proceeds to roam around the arena. Approximately 20 seconds later, Dustbot again finds Nosfera and unleashes a firestorm of gun fire. Nosfera returns fire, but his death is imminent. Nosfera tries to run away, but Dustbot keeps tracking him down. After an entertaining game of cat and mouse, which included the first capture in the tournament of the GDNet Ammo Box by Nosfera with only 2 health remaining, Dustbot finally placed one finely aimed bullet to Nosfera's head and ended the misery with 1:01 remaining in the match. Final health score: Dustbot 75, Nosfera 0. Dustbot advances, Nosfera goes to the Loser's Bracket. Kevin "Khawk" Hawkins
    CEO and News Director, GameDev.net
    Software Engineer, Raydon Corporation
    Author, OpenGL Game Programming Contributing author, Game Development: Tricks of the Trade , "Using the UML in Game Development" Developer Diary

  • Admin for GameDev.net.

    Lol, even if the replays aren''t available the commentary is great. Hurry up with the next round ^_^
    Turring Machines are better than C++ any day ^_~
    You''re only running 1 match to determine a winner? Man, any bot can get lucky once in a row, why not best 2 of 3 or something?
    quote: Original post by Ready4Dis
    You''re only running 1 match to determine a winner? Man, any bot can get lucky once in a row, why not best 2 of 3 or something?

    That''s why it''s double elimination this time around. We''ll see how things go and alter rules in the future..

    Admin for GameDev.net.

    quote: Original post by Khawk
    quote: Original post by Ready4Dis
    You're only running 1 match to determine a winner? Man, any bot can get lucky once in a row, why not best 2 of 3 or something?

    That's why it's double elimination this time around. We'll see how things go and alter rules in the future..

    bah i dont like the match how its now, i thought about 3 matches too...*snif*

    edit: oh and how about not releasing the sources this time (i mean its beta...) and when can we download the final-bots?


    [edited by - T2k on November 10, 2003 3:44:30 AM]
    quote: Original post by T2k
    bah i dont like the match how its now, i thought about 3 matches too...*snif*

    I had assumed it was going to be 2 out of 3... Mushu only wins against hexagon half the time... Good match though!

    Don''t really care if you release my code... people first have to figure out how to read it... Bwa-ha-ha-ha...

    Commentary is great, keep it up...

    You''re entitled to your own opinion, even though it''s wrong..

    There is no spoon image.
    I can do 2 out of 3 now that the first round is out of the way - to make things really interesting - but I don''t know if I can keep up the level of commentary with that many matches going on. It''s kind of hard to write down notes of what''s happening in a fast-paced match and remember enough to type it in, let alone three of them.

    Also, if you notice there is a mistake in the brackets. As of right now, the loser of Match 8 does not have a "second chance" in the Loser''s Bracket. This is obviously wrong, so I''ll edit the bracket tonight and upload the new version after Round 2 is executed. What will happen is the loser of Match 8 will play against the winner of Match 9 in Match 10. Then Match 11 will be the winner of 8 against the winner of 10 in the Championship.

    Admin for GameDev.net.

    quote: Original post by Khawk
    I can do 2 out of 3 now that the first round is out of the way - to make things really interesting - but I don''t know if I can keep up the level of commentary with that many matches going on. It''s kind of hard to write down notes of what''s happening in a fast-paced match and remember enough to type it in, let alone three of them.

    Also, if you notice there is a mistake in the brackets. As of right now, the loser of Match 8 does not have a "second chance" in the Loser''s Bracket. This is obviously wrong, so I''ll edit the bracket tonight and upload the new version after Round 2 is executed. What will happen is the loser of Match 8 will play against the winner of Match 9 in Match 10. Then Match 11 will be the winner of 8 against the winner of 10 in the Championship.

    Heh, you should make replay scripts for people to download .

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