
are RPGs going out of style?

Started by June 29, 2000 09:12 AM
14 comments, last by Dade 11 24 years, 2 months ago
If you''re making the game, are you making it for yourself or for other people? If for yourself, ignore the world''s opinion. If for others, how far do you want it to reach? Chances are, you''ll only reach a select hardcore.

All in all, RPGs are shifting. Genres are blurring. Don''t worry. Make it fun.

(If you don''t mind doing market research, find out the top selling games in BOTH the PC and Console markets - different markets, but it''ll show what people like : basically, the PC market is not as forgiving as the console market)

But I could be wrong.
JeranonGame maker wannabe.
I say make your own style of game. I like to suprise people with my ideas so i hate trying to fit in. Kind of like an evil consirator in a way :-)

"Comptete to set the trend" not "Compete within a trend"

WE are their,
"Sons of the Free"
Never conform!!

I think the problem is that highly developed RPGs are not being done correctly in the true 3D environment(As far as single player is concerned) and that is why you don''t hear a lot about them. However, there is still a huge craving for linear RPGs from the public. Why do you think FF7 and FF8 were such big hits?


"Imagination is the key to Creation"
"Imagination is the key to Creation"
quote: Original post by Spyder

Hm psst...... dont tell anyone but Diablo is really a Rogue-like game. Ouch! SLap! I take that back!

I agree. In fact, I think Diablo to be a RL-RPG.
No wonder it was so fun to play!

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
Here''s the cold trut ( rom what I observed)
Sadly it is a fact that RPG are going out of style. And a style of arcade type rpg such as Diablo is coming in. They are clinging to the RPG type but what they have is an arcade game not a role-playing game although it has some elements of it
And as the time progresses people realize that these are more fun to play because it''s not comlicated, no weird puzzles no getting stuck. There still are titles like baldurs gate, but we can''t form the opinion that rpg are in style based on a few single titles
Try comparing the titles we have now to what we had several years ago, we were OVERWHELMED by rpg titles in comparison to today. Think back to titles like Kings quest, Legend of Kyrandia(my favorite), space quest, police quest, even Eco Quest, and a whole LOT of titles that I can''t remember. Each of these had volumes from 1 to about 5 or 6 even 7. We can''t compare having 1 real RPG title released per year compared to 20 titles a year.

This of course does not mean that you should not make an RPG game, but yust says - yes they''re roling out and simulators RTS shoot em ups and diablo clones are "it" right now
There is a also a problem with commercial MMORPGs. Just think about it, if someone has payed they have the right to be a swine. If you really want a hardcore RPG game, where players really rollplay and dont walk around with silly names like ~Duck-912, then go freeware or something.

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