
Application Only MMORPG?

Started by June 27, 2000 06:22 PM
19 comments, last by Landfish 24 years, 2 months ago
all popular games have essentially the same game like: until the sequel comes out. Paying for the same pathetic game for ten years does not appeal to me at all. It would take a million patches to turn EQ into a semi playable game, so far they only have about a hundred. Well I better stop now before I go into a lengthy rant about how everything about EQ is so horribly wrong. Oh except they have good names for their character classes, that's about all I can throw them.

We're talking about MMORPG here, and not your everyday off the shelf multiplayer capable game. As a rule, MUDS/MOOS/MUSHES have a lifetime of 10 years. In an MMORPG, the player increases his characters strengths and abilities continualy, he role plays with friends... these types of games are more than games, they are escapes, where the player gets to take on another persona.
This is why they are not boring.

In addition to my original post I should point out another huge difference between D2 and a true MMORPG. In UO, I am playing with 100's of different real players simultaneously... where anything can happen. In D2, I have the ability to play with up to eight other real people.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Diablo and have purchased D2... but I prefer the former.

I will agree with you about EQ. I don't much care for the game... other than the nice looking girl on the splash screen the game sucks. Ok, I must admit I am biased because for some reason the mouse input on my computer comes to a crawl when I play this game, and only this game.

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser

Edited by - Dak Lozar on July 3, 2000 9:46:21 AM
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous

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