
Some questions

Started by August 20, 2003 12:17 AM
13 comments, last by khawk 21 years ago
quote: Original post by Khawk
1. Do you feel that GameDev: Arena is ready for a beta contest? If no, what do you feel needs to be done to make it ready?
2. If you could modify the GameDev: Arena interface, what would you change (without adding new or removing functionality)?
3. If you could modify the gameplay of GameDev: Arena, what would you change (without adding new or removing functionality)?
4. How long do you feel is sufficient time for developing a contest-worthy bot?
5. Rate the GDArena interface ease of use. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)
6. Rate the GDArena "technical" support that you have received. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)
7. Rate the GDArena documentation. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)
8. Rate the current GDArena functionality (is it sufficient?). (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)
9. Rate the difficulty of implementing a "good" bot. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)
10. Do you plan to enter the beta GDArena contest? Your answer is not a commitment.
11. If you have any other comments about GameDev: Arena, please put them as well (anything you want).

1. Yes
2. Nothing
3. Nothing needs to be done
4. 4-6 weeks
5. 10
6. 10
7. 8
8. 9
9. 7
10. Yes
11. Only other thing I can think of is adding a command line switch --silent that will use the nShowCmd variable from WinMain to setup the display of the window (Hidden, minimized, maximized) and quitting after a match has completed returning the match results / time left. I will post more details when I get the Launch Pad application to a point where this would become useful.

- Timothy S.
(sailor, i stole your font/formatting...hope you don't mind! )

1. Do you feel that GameDev: Arena is ready for a beta contest? If no, what do you feel needs to be done to make it ready?
Yes, it seems to be ready.

2. If you could modify the GameDev: Arena interface, what would you change (without adding new or removing functionality)?
No changes needed for the *existing* interface

3. If you could modify the gameplay of GameDev: Arena, what would you change (without adding new or removing functionality)?
grendades don't seem to go as far as they did pre 0.035...i haven't experimented much with them since then, but i'd like them to go back to their previous range.

4. How long do you feel is sufficient time for developing a contest-worthy bot?
4-6 weeks.

5. Rate the GDArena interface ease of use. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)
9.345212345639 (heh)

6. Rate the GDArena "technical" support that you have received. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)

7. Rate the GDArena documentation. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)

8. Rate the current GDArena functionality (is it sufficient?). (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)

9. Rate the difficulty of implementing a "good" bot. (1 = bad/difficult, 10 = good/easy)
happydude basically said it: reactive bots are fairly easy-- gonna go with an 8. taking it to the next level requires quite a bit more thinking/work. gonna go with 4.

10. Do you plan to enter the beta GDArena contest? Your answer is not a commitment.

11. If you have any other comments about GameDev: Arena, please put them as well (anything you want).
Previously, I said that i was fine with the proximity LOS not giving a definite direction, however, after playing with it a bit, I believe that it would be much better (both in terms of someone learning how to use the interface, and in terms of improving bot functionality) to stick with a perceptual scheme that is fully consistent (i.e. the proximity LOS and regular LOS should return the same types of information...should detect the same types of objects and give accurate direction/distance information). The key word here, i think, is consistancy. Either this, or if the LOS zones are going to be treated separately (in terms of the type of info returned) there should be two separate queries (GetObjectsInSight() and GetObjectsInProximity()). This would help alert people to the fact that these two queries do, in fact, return different types of info.

Although i think the current wall detection scheme is definitely "workable", i can see that it will probably be a major sticking point in the actual competition. The process of wall detection may be confusing to someone just trying to get into the competition. Plus, this might make people who are obsessed with "realism" in computer simulation/modeling (i confess, i get a little carried away sometimes...i can definitely understand the sentiment) a little bit ornery -- which would lead to whining -- which is unpleasant (especially, i'm sure, to khawk).

I think the ideal wall detection situation would be one in which visible wall segments are returned (i know, i know, the current query isn't set up to return this type of data...i'm just throwing out ideas). So, for example, if you were looking towards a corner and saw two walls, you would have returned to you two different wall segments. each segment would have the distance and angle to the first visible point of the wall to the last visible point. As i said, this is the ideal...i have no idea how practical it is. However, as far as implementation is concerned, this could be done with a simple frustum/segment intersection test between a trapezoidal approximation of the bot's FOV and the walls.

EDIT: Oh yeah, also, for everyone interested in machine learning techniques (neural nets, genetic algs, reinforcement learning, etc.) it is ESSENTIAL for there to be another mode for running the arena. Currently there is a release and debug mode. I'm gonna call this hypothetical mode learn mode. In learn mode, the arena could be run in a "fast forward" mode, and you would have access (only in learn mode!!) to information that you would not have otherwise, stuff such as (but not limited to): the enemy's health, your bot's accuracy, if your bot has collided with something, etc.

This depends on Khawks standpoint on the "fairness" of machine learning techniques in a competition like this. However, I'd like to point out that although many people tend to view these techniques as somehow magical, able to produce "ultimate" AI agents, machine learning techniques are simply that...alternate techniques. It can be just as difficult to create and tune a machine learning structure that successfully performs a task as it might be to "hard-code" a successful agent. I believe it takes just as much hard work and creativity as traditional AI techniques, so it shouldn't be disqualified on the basis that it is somehow taking the easy way out.

A headache, ancillary; an hourglass auxiliary.

"something witty, blah, blah, blah"
--That One Witty Guy (remember? that one dude?)

(author of DustBot)

[edited by - drreagan on August 21, 2003 11:56:41 AM]

[edited by - drreagan on August 21, 2003 12:51:25 PM]
------------------------------------------------------- A headache, ancillary; an hourglass auxiliary."something witty, blah, blah, blah" --That One Witty Guy (remember? that one dude?)(author of DustBot)
First off I''ll say that you''ve done a great thing - thank you

1. I don''t think it strictly needs anything before going beta, but it would be nice to tell if movement failed on the last frame. Not necessarily in what way... just an indication that something went wrong and "you probably aren''t where you think you are."

2. Nothing serious.

3. Not sure.

4. 4-6 weeks sounds good.

5. 8 (could be better type-wise and there are some very minor inconsistencies)

6. 9 (questions are answered, concerns are addressed)

7. 7 (spotty, incomplete, but all the essentials are presented clearly enough)

8. 7 (see comments for #11)

9. 3 (non-trivial; depends on your definition of ''good'' though HOWEVER, Bad != Difficult. If it were too easy I doubt anyone would be interested.

10. Yes.

11. Another nice feature would be a pure simulation mode for batch testing. Where the app does no graphics work and runs as fast as possible, printing match results and statistics to the console. This would help with real testing instead of having to babysit it for hours on end just to get a handful of results.


my answers to the questions:

1. Yes, I think so

2. I would have all command functions be declared the same (ie. all would return a value of the same type and all would expect arguments of the same type).

3. Fun would be to be able to hold on to a grenate for a bit before throwing it (so it explodes "sooner"), but that's just some silly extra, not needed

4. Maybe a month, maybe a bit more. I won't have lots of spare time to work on the bot.

5. 8


7. 7

8. 8

9. 3

10. Yes

11. It would come in handy to be able to set up "test environments" (in debug mode, of course) that can be played back over and over to reproduce bugs found in the bot. Right now the system just makes up a random map each time the game begins.

[edited by - Epidemi on August 25, 2003 6:44:09 PM]
--------------------Life after death? Is it like terminate and stay resident?
I think the ability to create a map and set that for the match would be great. First, it would make it easier to have a consistant environment for any competitions. Also, it would make it possible to have themes (lots of rocks = mountains, lots of trees = forests).

For the other questions I like the interface very much and plan to write a bot despite no knowlege of AI in any form .


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