
Best RPG Ever???

Started by June 26, 2000 05:06 PM
40 comments, last by Run_The_Shadows 24 years, 2 months ago
The best RPG was Sojourn Mud, formerly known as Toril till it closed. You can really do so much more with text. EQ is just a rip off of Sojourn.
quote: Original post by Spyder

The best RPG was Sojourn Mud, formerly known as Toril till it closed. You can really do so much more with text. EQ is just a rip off of Sojourn.

Sojourn and Toril are very specific names to the Forgotten Realms. Do you know any thing about this, i''m just curious.

WE are their,
"Sons of the Free"
Well Sojourn name is from a book in the FR Dark Elf Triology, Kris that was a forger owned a company named Sojourn at one time, Im pretty sure there existed reasons for this. Toril if I''m not all to off is a reference to the actual lands if you look at a FR map, but someone feel free to correct me here. Now Sojourn has been closed down due to abusive players, those of you that have plans on building MMORPG don''t have to romantic pictures of it. You WILL see some of humanities worst sides if you plan on running it yourself. Anything that can be twinked, abused will be, plan on it. Another side note is that another FR mud named Exile (also former players of Sojourn, this game has spawned alot of projects guess why) is due to open in a couple of months.

So what did Sojourn implement:

* They had trade between diffrent cities, prices would go up dependant on demand and supply

* They had the most well done zones I''ve seen anywhere. A wellover 20000 rooms (unique not multiple descriptions, we talking quality)

* They had quests, that made sense, were not silly. Did not compose of just collecting animal parts.

* One could buy horses and stable them, for later use.

* well the list goes on i wont ramble since it may be unintresting for most

Hmm, a jump from RPG, to ROLL-play to MUDs. If we are talking about roll playing muds then the Diku style I is probably the better as you can role play and get to keep those lovely weapons.

All messages are of my own personal opinion and
not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)

-----------------------------------------------All messages are of my own personal opinion and not meant to offend. But if they do - tough :)Neuro.
My favorite CRPG of all time is Chrono Trigger. In my opinion, all Square''s games went downhill after that. CT is the only RPG I''ve been able to play more than once without being bored. The whole time travel ordeal made no sense, but who said a game has to make sense to be fun?

My favorite P&P RPG has got to be White Wolf. (I use the company name because all their games essentially use the same system, with few variations.) It allows for the greatest flexibility in character development, and experience is based more on role-playing than on what you kill.

This might change when AD&D 3rd Edition comes out.

GDNet+. It's only $5 a month. You know you want it.

It´s not what you play, it´s how you play it.

I´ve played a few RPGs and the main thing is that you have a good GM and players who don´t care too much about character maxing. THen you´re bound to have a lot of fun. The more you play, the less math you need..

..Character tries to hold on to ledge with crippled arm and shoot helicopter at the same time.... GM mumbles to himself, rolls dice behind screen (very average roll) .... mumbles...rolls again (again average) "my, my, you´re one lucky bugger. THat stunt nearly cost you your life but against all odds....."

Computerwise i´d have to say DSA2: Sternenschweif (i guess it was called Startrail in the english speaking world). Huge RPG, lots of stuff to do and things to discover... great story. Played it for over 2 years....
quote: It´s not what you play, it´s how you play it.

My favorites RPG''s are The Legend of Zelda(NES) and Zelda: A link to the past. They''re the best
Hmmm. . .best CRPG would have to be Baldur''s Gate, hands down. The complexity of it is un-freakin-believable, all related to a central theme, yet free-form enough to suggest a living, breathing world. Mmmmmm. . .*TASTY*.

But BG''s been mentioned.

Next fave _for its time_ would have to be HERO''S QUEST!!! AKA Quest For Glory series from Sierra. Proving once again that its human genius, not hardware, that makes a great game. It featured semi-non-linear gameplay, (any puzzle was solvable in at least three different ways, one for each char class, nearly a decade before Deus Ex, mind you!) a then innovative hybrid of classic "adventure" gaming with RPG elements, a worth-watching storyline, and of course the trademark Sierra wit. (o'' where has it gone? Roberta Williams, we barely knew ye!) All this, and the whole series would fit on a single CD w/ megs to spare.

Anyone up for some Final Fantasy ad nauseum? hmmm. Me either!
BGII to allow strongholds? Well, then I suppose I will call it
a strategy game then?
FPS in an RPG game? God forbid (see "stop butchering poor kobolds" threads)!
I think Ultima 7 had a pretty large level of interactivity. It came on 10 disks. Has the level of interactivity risen exponentially in today''s games? Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back were so before their times it was scary. They came on 1 disk. A free game called Nethack had autogenerating levels and an interactivity level the commercial games are only starting to approach. Everything is getting better and better, right?

But I digress. Hmm, I would say, Ultima 7. I liked Ultima 8 too,
no matter what they say of it. Earlier, hmm, Chaos Strikes Back,
Pools of Darkness.

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