
Cool Stuff in a 3D shooter?

Started by June 21, 2000 03:40 PM
24 comments, last by nes8bit 24 years, 2 months ago
A realisitc inventory system might be nice too, but you would need to create a bunch of other gameplay features to make it work. Y''know, only being able to carry what you could realisitcally fit on your person?
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
Deformable terrain!!
Area-specific damage!
Prox mines! (I am having fun in Deus ex demo...)
Easter eggs!
Stealth stuff! (like Thief)
Cool multiplayer modes!
Smoke bombs!
Dark areas!
Sniper scopes!
Cool stuff!

(I don''t honestly expect all this; but its all cool. Concentrate on that last one.)


Saráth evenü, cán el-sayü liné!
Saráth evenü, cán el-sayü liné!
good lord...landfish, could you start your own version of this thread? I''m getting some weird answers except for a few...

Captured Reality
quote: Original post by nes8bit

good lord...landfish, could you start your own version of this thread? I''m getting some weird answers except for a few...

That''s pretty funny nes8bit . Perhaps he should do the same with my "Design Methodologies" thread . But seriously, I''ve just about given up on this forum. Frankly I''m getting very little out of it and learning practically nothing about game design. I see tired argument after tired argument. Nature versus environment over and over again.
Don´t be so gloomy Cassandra!

And please stop this landfish worship.

About the topic: Story, interaction, violence.

Half Life wasn´t that bad, cause you got two out of three. The only thing that i really missed was the interaction, non-linear plots and such. And more realism.

The only thing that´s missing nowadays is dialogue options. Kind of merging 3d shooter, adventure and rpg. I guess it isn´t going to take long (System Shock 2 wasn´t all bad in those respects).
I´d say it´s a great shooter when you don´t have to shoot anymore. Makes the whole thing more special...

But i don´t know if that´s where you want to be going.

If it´s just shooter you want be sure to put in:

5000 different weapons
1 large can of gore (maybe 300 if handy)
smart enemies (it really helps to hear them talk)
and lots of fire and destruction(meaningless if at all possible, players like to shoot everything)
CoolStuff (Tanks, Helicopters, deathscenes, sex, crime, cows, a private investigator ... whatever you like)

BTW: Check out Duke Nukem 3d for the gags, some of them were quite nice

That´s about it. But a story can´t hurt.
quote: Original post by nes8bit
"a good 3d shooter?"

Contradiction in terms!

Eh eh .

1. Good multiplayer opponents.
2. High "F**K! He killed me with that stupid handgun" factor. ( i.e., weapons have their own strengths/weaknesses and are highly unlike those in DIEkatana ).
3. Not even a semblance of seriousness. ( Anyone remember the dog-turds in a certain Duke3d extension? "Awww shitttttt!" )
4. Ability to gloat over your kills for about 3 seconds before the other guy shoots you in the back ''cause you weren''t paying attention.
5. John Carmack
6. Anti-John Romero ( but long hair is allowed, and perhaps a John Romero Borg model as an enemy ).
7. I''m talking out of my ass.

Umm, those are my highly not so useful suggestions.

Give me one more medicated peaceful moment..
~ (V)^|) |<é!t|-| ~
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
1)Funny weapons.
Not all weapons shotting style. A bobby trap (for example duke3d) is very appointed.
A Chainsaw (old doom)
2)Better voice. Not the tipical "uch!". Is better "aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh"
3)Better players (ie. Lara C.). <- why not!
4)Better interact with scenenary (destroy a building)
-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
Such a weird forum. I think I''ll stick to the lounge.

Captured Reality
Okay - hollywood may think it can improve the entire gaming industry - but it can''t, but there are a few things to do with movies in general that make for extra kudos when designbing an FPS
a) John Woo influences -> lotsa guns, -> lotsa blood -> lotsa bodies -> lotsa bodies falling through pieces of destructable terrain -> much action!
b) Action, suspense - those two don''t mix together so don''t try to do both. Choose one or the other, I dunno what half life was trying to do, maybe suspense, but it kinda worked.
c) Cool macho lines from decent voice actors and proper script writers. If I hear one more Bruce Campbell movie line I will screem like a sissy gal.
d) Inventive ways of killing people - don''t go for the normal "shoot and look we have a dead body" approach. (proxy mines, traps, pointy objects that enemies can fall on are all extra cool)
e) A DAMN sinister bad guy. Don''t have some "nameless faceless aliens attack the earth" syndrome, get some excessively evil bad guy and have him antagonise the player throughout the game put him in the players FACE and annoy the player to the point that he expierences intense pleasure (heh) when he finally kills the guy! No sissies allowed!

That''s my contribution.
You remind me of me. Good ideas.

Captured Reality

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