
looking for short stories

Started by July 17, 2003 02:36 PM
12 comments, last by alnite 21 years, 1 month ago
I will be having an oral interpretation for my speech class this next Wednesday. I have been looking for short stories from my literature book but none of them is presentable because they are very lengthy (like 20 pages long) and the time limit is 4-5 minutes. My friend suggested me to read monologues, but I am not really into it. I like short stories better. So, if any of you have a short story that you think can be presented (by me) in front of the class for 4-5 minutes, post it in here or put a link. The rule is simple, there must be some human emotions in the story because I am going to act it out. If a character is angry, I must be able to project out my voices out loud. So it''s not a story about robots because robots don''t have emotions obviously. And by emotions, it doesn''t have to be love or something (and I don''t do love stories) long as there is some emotions, can be angry, jealousy, suspicions, etc, even little ones like a sigh. Please, someone, someone with a story... boredom level:  ||||||||||||||||||||55% interest level: ||||||||||||||||||||30%
Just do what I did for mine, and read the first couple pages of The Account Of The Mad Arab out of the Necronomicon! I got a 100% on it, and scared a couple of my classmates in the process.
quote: Original post by Lunatic Raven
Just do what I did for mine, and read the first couple pages of The Account Of The Mad Arab out of the Necronomicon! I got a 100% on it, and scared a couple of my classmates in the process.
sounds fun! is it a book or in the Internet?
searched it on Barnes&Noble and came up 26 titles, which Necronomicon you are talking about?

edit: damn, my library doesn't have it, and I do not want to spend $20 for this speech only.

[edited by - alnite on July 17, 2003 3:48:36 PM]
Just get one of the Sudden Fiction collections and pick a story.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

If you REALLY want to do it, search google, you can get find that chapter of it online somewhere, I forget the site though.
I say find a copy of a collection of Isaac Asimov''s stories.
He''ll be in science fiction.
You could read my story.

"Bernard goes to the fair"
by Richard "Superpig" Fine

It was a warm, sunny day, and the fairground was quite busy. It was your typical fair; a ferris wheel loomed overhead, music from a carousel could be heard in the background. Bernard stood inside the entrance, tingling, wondering what to do. He wasn't entirely sure why he'd decided to come; most likely because he had nothing better to do.

Not far away, a small girl sat at a table eating a large stick of pink, fluffy candy-floss. Not two minutes after her daddy had bought it for her, she left it on the table and launched herself like a small missile towards a man in a large, cuddly lion suit, waving at people. The candy-floss lay rejected and ignored on the table, not really caring. Bernard - who had, by this time, wondered over - saw the candy-floss, and something awoke in him - a deep, deep desire for sugar. He'd always been a bit of a junkie, and had tried to give it up, but the sight of the candy-floss, unattended and with nothing to protect it, was just too much for him. Shifty-eyed, he sidled slowly up to the candy-floss, reached out, and whipped it behind his back.

He waited for the repercussions - the 'hey, he took my candy-floss!' - but none came. One minute... two minutes... Bernard slipped around the corner of a balloon shop, and hid, savouring his sweet victory. He'd gotten away with it. He tasted the candy-floss - it was sweet, sweetened by the taste of success and power. Bernard sighed and slid down against the wall till he was sitting on the floor, and ate the candy-floss.

Nearby, a small baby bounced up and down. This wasn't a good idea, as the baby had just eaten far too much ice cream; so the inevitable ensued, and after a cough, splutter, spit, and splat, the baby found himself covered in vomit. The mother of the baby - a somewhat harassed woman - found the baby covered in vomit. The baby was somewhat amused. The mother somewhat wasn't. Groaning, she put her bag down on the table and pulled out a wad of cotton wool, with which she proceeded to wipe the vomit off the baby. The baby gurgled. Once she had removed any visible vomit from the baby's clothes, she dumped the cotton wool in the nearby bin, and started looking for somewhere where she could get a drink.

Once Bernard's sugar rush had worn off, Bernard found himself needing more. The deep hunger within him had been wakened and whetted, but not sated. He got up and emerged from his hiding-place behind the balloon store, and began to hunt. Candy-floss here... candy-floss there... but none of it unattended, all of it in the hands of some filthy child. He began to despair - for if he were to buy it himself, it wouldn't be the same. It had to be stolen candy-floss. He liked the danger, the risk; and he liked the candy-floss.

Suddenly, he caught sight of something which looked like candy-floss in a bin across the way. Launched into action, he dashed across and grabbed it. It was still fluffy, and only slightly damp. Without further thought, he swallowed it down, not even stopping to chew.

The fairground toilets were somewhat different from the rest of the fair. They resembled toilets that you or I might find at a train station; only these were slightly less clean, and didn't have any Musak in the background. So it was there that Bernard found himself a few minutes later, kneeling in front of the toilet, throwing up harder than he thought possible; he wished he had remembered what his mother had told him when he was nine. "Bernard," she had said, "if you ever eat cotton wool, you will have bad luck. Now, go load the washing machine." He was glad she was not there to see him now, although at the same time a part of him wished that she could have been there, with him, in his hour of need, at the fairground.

- saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he's not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.
Enginuity1 | Enginuity2 | Enginuity3

[edited by - Superpig on July 20, 2003 11:46:17 AM]

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

I''ve just noticed you''re American. In which case, substitute ''candy-floss'' for ''cotton candy.''

- saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he''s not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.
Enginuity1 | Enginuity2 | Enginuity3

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! YOU CALL IT CANDY-FLOSS!? jk, good story, but was that all of it? cuz it kinda ended abrubtly.

----------Invincible intelligence isn't evincible.

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