
Win98 Compatability mode on XP

Started by July 15, 2003 09:52 PM
0 comments, last by Muhammad Haggag 21 years, 2 months ago
Doesn''t crash the application. Are you developing it on Win98? I''d suggest using XP or 2k instead (they catch errors that aren''t caught by 98) AthlonXP 2000, Radeon8500 (catalyst 3.5), 256 MB Ram Peace, Muhammad Haggag

quote: Original post by Coder
Doesn''t crash the application.
Are you developing it on Win98?
I''d suggest using XP or 2k instead (they catch errors that aren''t caught by 98)

AthlonXP 2000, Radeon8500 (catalyst 3.5), 256 MB Ram

Muhammad Haggag

I develop on Win2k and XP, and I have seen most of the crashes that people are seeing (alot of them can be attributed to use of the ''bobby'' bot, which really should not be in the download). I just have not been able to track these crashes down.

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