
game premise

Started by July 13, 2003 01:18 AM
5 comments, last by nightsavior 21 years, 1 month ago
i''m posting this in good faith i''ll get some constructive criticism. to be honest i hope i get at least alittle positive feed hurts to be shot out of the water your first time posting an idea. for those reading i hope you enjoy. if you do i''ll eventually post the game idea in its full form in the near future. soulmorphisis: asylum "all my life i''ve wondered why do i exist? in loneliness and solitude there is nothing but pain. sometimes in my fevered thoughts i see a reality in which i can make a difference. but that reality seems so far away. now there is only a series of days spent in tidium. every once in awhile the dreams of dragon''s fire and glowing eyes in the darkness rumble through my mind like a train off its tracks. in those dreams i am a hero. in those dreams i defend all creatures of magic from the horrible men with their red cross tabbards that shun anything that is not of mankind. but than i wake up. the gun is so tempting. it calls to me like a phantom lover promising release. all i have to do is put it to my temple and pull the trigger. 25 years of virginity, 25 years of disappointment gone in a flash. but than she is near. the dream goddess that guides me. she eases my hand off the gun and tells me she needs me very much. that only i can free her mother and save her foster daughter. so, i get off my ass and go to work at the tattoo parlor...and it is than the great quake hits and my life changes forever." jared o''sheely jared is not the typical hero. suffering from clinical depression and low self esteem, the troubled tattoo artist has always battled with himself. living in san fransico jared has just experienced the biggest quake in his home town in many years. but to jared it was no ordinary tremor. spending days in sleepless tidium jared has visions of demons and elves in his head. out of the corner of his eyes he sees wraiths and spirits. unbeknowst to jared the world has awakened. soon the dead will walk and magic will be the reality. as with all heroes jared is presented with a problem. the brand of a red flame has appeared on his left hand and now the newly awakened populace be they elf,dragon,demon , or lycanthrope believe he is a champion of justice who can answer their prayers. caught up in a supernatural world jared fights dark phantoms and grotesque creatures. the awakened world of asylum in erotic and brutal filled with sex,vice,and murder. as jared o sheely you can make the wrong things right. an enigmatic demon has come to you wanting you to find his missing niece. the journey to rescue her will lead you on an infernal road of madness but also possibly redemption and love. controls: the meat and potatoes of the gaming world are the controls. in many ways this is akin to devil may cry. jared shoots with twin pistols or can summon a blade of glowing soul energy from his left hand. movement wise he can run up walls,back flip,side roll, and use a series of jump kicks and punches in combo sequence. as with all heroes learning of their weird wacky potential jared learns new moves and can form new energy weapons as he progresses on. as in onimusha,devil may cry, and primal jared can trigger a soulmorphisis becoming the pheonix warrior, a heightened avatar with flaming wings and glowing eyes that can shoot soul seeker projectiles at enemies,fly, and cover each kick and punch in a firery wave. is it original? nope. heck everything has been done under the sun. the most i hope to do is tell a really good story in a world of modern fantasy and horror. is jared cliche? well the disturbed hero with the billowing trench has been done...however giving that hero a personality that is endearing and incites a sympathetic tone to the audience is still in my opnion a rare thing. i loved dante from devil may cry and i loved jubei yagu from onimusha 2. yet in a way these heroes were so over the top i couldn''t relate to them. jared has problems not just with shape shifting assassins and parasitic creatures that turn people into psychotic fanatics. he has a problem accepting his new role and who he has become. even jareds friends are believable people in extradinary circumstances. players maybe surprised they don''t fight many were wolves,vampires,or demons. its usaully they whom seek you out for help. rather players will find a much fouler monster. mankinds hatred toward that it fears and misunderstands. action rpg? face it its not a far fetched idea. in my opnion onimusha 2 had some very rpg moments. though jubei was the main character there were three other stars of destiny you interacted with. depending on your actions they would aid you and help you. sometimes it would be jubei''s friends who would have to save him so you''d take control of them for awhile. in addition each of your weapons had three distinct levels and you''d spend experience to level each one up to its peek performance. parasite eve 2 was another game i loved that combinded action with experience points and awe inspiring psychic powers. so is asylum like these games? well in some ways yeah. you use guns,magic,and even swords. you can level up certain attributes and certain characters help you in each area of san fransico. still asylum is bigger. as the game continues it becomes a little less linear and you are allowed to choose who comes with you on your continuing quest. the game also has jump gates in which you can travel to each section of sanfransico without hiking it by foot. contaversial subject matter: alot of games try to be stylish and cool. and stylish and cool is ok but without substance it kinda goes sour. as a gamer i have played many a good game...and many a bad sequel to the same game in question. soulmorphisis is a game that tries pushing the envelop but not just for the sake of shock value. sanfransico is an erotic and exotic place. it has become a mystical place as well. surprisingly the main antagonist in the game is not a cult of necromancers or a diabolical dragon....the main antagonist are the red cross haryn which represent mankinds religious zeal and hatred of things it cannot understand. not everything in soulmorphisis is good and evil. the game does have some very grey areas. while i''m not out to target any select group of people for ridicule i guarantee most fundies won''t like the fact paganism is portrayed in a positive light and there are certain sexual themes and situations. for the rest of you with open minds however i''m sure this game will have alot to give. inspirational games: shadowrun(for the snes), revelations persona(playstation),fallout 1 and 2 (pc), parasite eve 1 and 2(playstation), diablo 1 and 2(pc),devil may cry(playstation2),primal(playstation 2) , blood rayne(playstation 2) , vampire the masquerade redemption(pc and the book version) , hunter the reckoning(x box and book version) , werewolf the apocolypse(book version), onimusha 2(playstation 2) , fear effect series(play station),silent hill series( ps 1 and 2) ,alone in the dark 2(play station ) , and many others that inspired me to make a game of my own. filler story: once long ago there was the great tree of life. this tree of life had two guardians both married to serve in balance. adam saw himself to be the shephard of man. he wished only to use the tree for mankinds glory and advancement. lillith on the other hand knew the trees life force could give birth to the mystic races. feeling trapped by her husbands narrow mindedness lillith used some of the trees seeds to create the art of magic. when adam discovered what his wife had done he was enraged and casted her out of the great garden of eden. lillith then remarried a kind gentle man named thomas. they begat children and became the first family of mage born. adam took another wife not out of love but rather simply to procreate and bare children to raise by his teachings. these children would bare the cross and call themselves haryn. over time haryn and magic born fought each other for the great tree. not wanting his wife to spread her magic ways adam tried to destroy the tree but not before lillith sealed the trees essence within the earth itself. for thousands of years afterwards the world has been trapped by rigid dogma and cold science. but now the plates of the earth have shifted. great earthquakes have freed the magic of lillith upon the earth. special individuals awaken to find themselve changed. orcs,elves,dragons,demons,lycanthropes, and vampires walk among humankind seeking acceptance in an often harsh biggoted society. but whereas some supernaturals seek peace and a way to coexist others hurt by racism and rejection lash out and retaliate. upon this very stage the souls of lillith and adam still fight for control lillith seeking to liberate just as adam seeks to enslave....
sounds good.
Except for one things, it really kind of disapoints me that you''ve decied to make the main charachters weapon guns this is so common and over used that it annoys me to no end. Espcially since your story lends it self so much better to non standard weapondry.

What if instead of a sword you give the charachter soul materilization. He has the ability to transform his inner strenghts, personality into material forms. Such as bolts of energy, or shield and other weapons.

This would also lend better to and RPG feel since the characters actions would in turn alter his personality and awaken new powers depending on the path you choose.

Also change the sword.. it be much more fearsome if its was scyth.
i agree guns have been done to the only reason why i included guns is because it''s a modern day fantasy instead of taking place long ago. as for a scythe it could very well be a possibility since jared''s energy weapon can morph into different kinds of weapons as he matures. at one point jared gets two pistols called satire and tragedy which actually fire various magic projectiles.
ok i thought more about what you said techno. i think your idea on acessing different strengths of the characters is a good idea. say jared had a grid that measured three attributes. . empathy would be jared''s ability to sympathize with others. in game terms it is jareds protective shield magics and healing arts. rage is jareds inherent rage and anguish. by acessing his rage jared can inflict more damage and pain upon enemies and cast more combative spells like energy bolts and lightning. lastly is jared''s lust. lust gives jared the ability to charm and control certain creatures and drain life from vanquished foes. this i hope would add a new dimension to play
Sounds like a good game. They don''t make enough of these anymore but I think we''ll see a resurgance in their popularity.

So when can I get a copy?
i''d actually like to share my game with others in its completed form i''m just alittle scared of idea thiefs. any suggestions on how to do this?
I think this sounds like a fun game to play if you can keep it original, personal, and not too tragic or horiffic. I particularly like your title. I agree with the other posters that guns are lame. If the unifying concept of your game is magic warping the normal contents of san francisco, why not work with that? If your main character is a tattoo artist, why not have his weapon be his tattoo gun, have it shoot images that are spells or something - like for a poision attack, a tattoo of a cobra. I would like to know more detail about your plot and climax - if you''re worried about theft just email it only to the people whose opinions you want. But please, spell-check first, kay?

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

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