
Story feedback, do I got what it takes?

Started by July 12, 2003 02:30 PM
-1 comments, last by sigmaent 21 years, 1 month ago
Hello all! I seldom get any feedback on what I''m writing and don''t really feel comfortable with showing to people what I''m writing, don''t know if it''s shyness or what it is. Anyways I''m about to post a story I''ve written, it''s an episode in half and is meant to be a soap series for a homepage. I have probably written better stories than this but worse too so Please tell me what you think. Here it goes: Episode #1 Ah yes the sunset over Eden, one of the best in the country. The light hits the white walls of the luxury houses near the beach and then falls down on the city center. This was the same scene Kate saw waking up with her girlfriend Belinda. The same scene as Chris saw when he finished the last paperwork down at the Eden police station. Kate got up and headed towards the kitchen while Belinda still was in bed. She made herself a nice cup of tea, with the extra lemon and stuff. The relationship with Belinda was as flat as the Dow Jones, and it felt just like an obstacle instead of an asset. Kate''s father Roger, once told her that when a relationship feels like that it''s time to break up and move on, this came from a man with eight marriages on his conscience. She wasn''t sure about her sexual beliefs, she really liked girls, but lately she found herself mostly staring at cute boys down at the beach. Everyone could have a down period she thought at first but the feelings for men came stronger and stronger. Kate had moved from upstate to Eden, she started out working at the local hospital as a nurse, were she met Belinda. A quite changing year for her becoming a lesbian, moving to a new place, and meeting a new partner. On the other side of town Adam was looking out over the city from his balcony, taking a drink. He always started the day off with a nice Jack Daniels, well not a whole bottle but a couple of glasses. Some people would judge him as an alcholic, however he strongly believed that he wasn''t. Adam was quite popular among the women, he was tall and good looking, with blonde hair and blue eyes. In another part of town Richard was just arriving at the station. It had been one of those "business trips" which his wife Emily hated but his mistresses enjoyed. Getting of the train a thought struck him, "I have to buy flowers fro Emily". Maybe it was his inner..... ------

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