
Movie & game should be combined to create a perfect gaming experience!

Started by June 19, 2000 09:28 AM
31 comments, last by Hans 24 years, 2 months ago
Blah! Why would anyone want to use a 3D engine for movie cut-scenes? I don''t know about anyone else but I feel that the hype around current 3D technology is getting a little overrated.

Don''t get me wrong, I have seen some nice 3D game graphics, but to use that technology for making a movie clip that someone has to sit through would be suicide. I think gamers (myself included) would only accept this for short 30 second clips.

People want to interact with their games, not watch them, and I think the only way to successfully get away with long in game clips is to use expensive actors (or a cool cartoon).

Man was born to game, we only work to pay for our toys!
I don''t mean to hassle you here Hans but this is something to consider.

The power of Next Gen Consoles are going to be so powerful in repect to 3D. The ingame images are going to be near TV quality anyhow. So why would someone want to watch this when they can play it?

Were you thinking of using something like 3Dmax for the movie images? Just remember, gamers are also a different audience to movie buffs so what you''d have to show in the movie would have to act as a stimulant to getting people to want to play the game.

You will run into problems however when it comes to 3D character animation. This is HUGE work!!

WE are their,
"Sons of the Free"
quote: Original post by ImmaGNUman

''For a truly awful example of how not to make a game...''

That means its a good example of how to make a game. I think you mean:

''For a truly awful example of how to make a game...''

This is not a double-negative because ''awful'' modifies ''example'' and ''not'' modifies ''to make''.

I was thinking that there are good examples of how not to make a game. These being the examples with the most clear-cut problems, thus the examples that it''s easiest to learn from. Tender Loving Care would be a bad example of how not to make the game because it has so many things wrong with it that it would be confusing to figure out all the changes that would be necessary to make a good game.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Paul C.:
I like to watch movies even though I could also play Q3 (which looks better than some movies ). There''s just huge difference between a movie and a game.
It''s just stupid to play an RPG or adventure game where when you start there are two options:
1) you can''t remember anything (was insomnia the word?)
2) you''re a new man in town

And the movie-storytelling (no, I''m still not talking about that interactive crap) would be a quite fresh idea.

Well, you can always use motion capture to make character animations. (use netcamera, put some pingpong balls in your limbs and then make a small program that notices the pingpong-ball movement). Seriously, this could work


Huh, just about everyone seems to be misunderstanding that topic. It''s not about little movies all over the game or about a "movie game"/interactive CD crap. It''s about a real game with the one big beginning movie that tells about background etc. Okay 60 minutes is maybe enough

And I also believe that movie audience doesn''t differ too much from game audience.

I wouldn't sit through it. If I feel like watching a movie, I watch one on my TV.

I like how TR does their movies. Also, in TRII, you have to watch the movie to know how to beat the dragon at the end of the game. (You can't see the knife, but in the movie, it shows a guy pulling it from the dragon.)

BTW: They used the game engine for some of their short movies too.

E:cb woof!

Edited by - dog135 on June 29, 2000 3:59:19 PM
E:cb woof!
quote: Original post by borngamer

Blah! Why would anyone want to use a 3D engine for movie cut-scenes? I don''t know about anyone else but I feel that the hype around current 3D technology is getting a little overrated.

Don''t get me wrong, I have seen some nice 3D game graphics, but to use that technology for making a movie clip that someone has to sit through would be suicide. I think gamers (myself included) would only accept this for short 30 second clips.

People want to interact with their games, not watch them, and I think the only way to successfully get away with long in game clips is to use expensive actors (or a cool cartoon).

Man was born to game, we only work to pay for our toys!

May I remind you that when Descent was first created people were probably saying things like, "Who wants to play this crap? We want more pong!" And then, 10 years later it''s a huge hit! FIVE SEQUELS! Then DOOM and Castle Wolfenstein were created. Everybody got psyched and thus the first person shooter was invented! There have been over 500 different first person shooters, ranging from DOOM to Dark Forces to Dear Hunter. Personally, I''m getting sick of the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. HAVEN''T WE HAD ENOUGH GUTS SPILLING OVER THE SCREEN AND PEOPLE THINKING THAT IT''S COOL? Granted, I''m making a 3rd person shooter, but that doesn''t mean that it''s exactly like ever other game out there! These huge companies have lost creativity and replaced it with graphics.

I for one believe it''s time for a new genre, and these movies may do the trick. And they wouldn''t just be movies. They''d have over 50 different endings, depending on how you played it. If you read my previous post, you understand what I''m talking about. We might as well give it a shot.

Top quality games don''t kick ass as well as these.

Prepare to be blown away!

Magic Card
-----------------------------A world destroyed, a myth rebord. Some truths should remain untold...Check out NightRise today, coming eventually from DanAvision Software Entertainment.
50 different endings huh? Event those "Choose your own adventure" books only have 5 or so. Are you going to be programming all that animation? Better start now, it''ll be mid century before you''re done.

Complete one animation a month for the next 50 years and you have 600 animations.

BTW: I don''t think Descent came out BEFORE Doom.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
Well i''d have to say then that movie scenes before the commencement of a game is not a bad idea. Most games have them to some extent anyhow, your just talking about enlargening this/right?

Considering that a lot of games are based of movies, which adds significant story depth to a game. yeah, it''s a good move.

Personally, i''d like to see some of my favourite games turned into movies like fallout, diablo, halflife, paradroid90. I doubt it though, bummer.

WE are their,
"Sons of the Free"
I can see before myself halflife, and fallout as movies, but I''m abit intrested what you have in mind for a diablo movie?

Scene 1: A party begins in town and buy some crap

Scene 2: They go into the dungeons and slay abit

Scene 3: they go up into town through a portal

Scene 4-24: Repeat 1 to 3 but add more badass monsters and SPFX.

Sounds like a great movie!
quote: Original post by Spyder

I can see before myself halflife, and fallout as movies, but I''m abit intrested what you have in mind for a diablo movie?

Scene 1: A party begins in town and buy some crap

Scene 2: They go into the dungeons and slay abit

Scene 3: they go up into town through a portal

Scene 4-24: Repeat 1 to 3 but add more badass monsters and SPFX.

Sounds like a great movie!

The one thing i like in diablo was when you found one of those books underground and read it. That was quite spooky. This element could be expanded to make it more intriguing. But they''d have to leave the beginning intro alone, i love it.

WE are their,
"Sons of the Free"

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