
Is there a chance that a game developer would buy freelance stories?

Started by July 06, 2003 06:56 AM
4 comments, last by fierypaulphoenix 21 years, 2 months ago
I''m wondering ''cause I''m a pretty good writer with a vivd imagination.
If they are smart, yes. Unfortunately, most will either have no use for a good story or want it to feature their ideas, not yours.
quote: Original post by fierypaulphoenix
I''m wondering ''cause I''m a pretty good writer with a vivd imagination.

Not likely, but always possible. Freelance stories are for publication mostly. Buy a copy of the Writer''s Market and go hunting. That''s how I got started.


Always without desire we must be found, If its deep mystery we would sound; But if desire always within us be, Its outer fringe is all that we shall see. - The Tao

It''s often hard to get your foot in the door to working as a writer. But there are ways to do it. You''ll find that the hardest part is credibility, or at least gaining it. Lots of people want to work as writers, and since most people can write to some extent, there are many people around who think they''d be good at it, but aren''t. This makes it hard for potential buyers and employers to ''separate the wheat from the chaff''.
What you might want to try, is getting yourself a writing job of any kind, as this will make you more credible when contacting people and touting your wares.
For example, I used to work as a graphic designer in an advertising agency before moving on to work on designs at a daily newspaper, later becoming commercial features sub-editor at that newspaper, and finally becoming a writer for the same newspaper. All this was largely because I was able to draw on skills gained when I was doing stints as a writer in an advertising agency while working as a designer!
Now in addition to writing for the paper, I write reviews for software and the press releases for several companies too. You see what I mean? One thing kind of leads to another, and I didn''t even start out wanting to be a writer!
Needless to say, you''ll need to have damn near perfect writing abilities to get anywhere good, but believe it or not, practice does make you better at it!
So keep writing and be lucky.
Thanx for the advice. I was wondering what my chances were. I kinda figured they weren''t too good.
How about you start writing for the warHammer type games, I heard that the magazine pay to publish your stories. Get a website up and running with a few ''free'' ones, etc etc, promote yourself, make a name for yourself and then slowly approach the game market, chances are people from the warhammer (or whatever) circles will be into game programming, a few of you can start a small team, get a name for yourselves... etc etc

Start small, no big-time people are gonna buy stories off a nobody as they''ll be unsure about how sound their investment was

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