
Story for a first peron shooter - Commendations and/or Criticisms wanted

Started by June 20, 2003 03:03 AM
19 comments, last by liquidAir 21 years, 2 months ago
quote: Original post by liquidAir

October 16, 2038, the meeting holds at the Kremlin, Moscow under the security of the Red Army, loyal to the General. The presidents of Croatia, Sweden, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Romania, Austria, Poland and Finland with their aides were killed.

Yust so you know : there is no yugoslavia (anymore), and I belive there is no way there is going to be a Yugoslavia some day.

Just so you will not have leaks in your story.

PS: Yes I am from a former Yugoslavia state (Slovenia) | My homepageQ:What does a derived class in C# tell to it's parent?A:All your base are belong to us!

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