
Story for a first peron shooter - Commendations and/or Criticisms wanted

Started by June 20, 2003 03:03 AM
19 comments, last by liquidAir 21 years, 2 months ago
It is the year 2016 AD. Terrorist activities have been going on over the years at strategic location all over the world bringing about unrest and chaos all over the world. Intelligence reports suggest that all terrorist groups are linked to a main base located on the Wershupial islands, 127 miles off the south coast of New Zealand. You are Lieutenant Wax, of the elite forces of the First Global Republic, the new world order of Allied Nations. Your mission is to infiltrate the major terrorist base and retrieve classified information on the locations and logistics of all terrorist groups in the world. You are on your own. you will be required to complete your mission through stealth, or by whatever means possible as may be deemed necessary. The fate of the world depends on you, lieutenant. Good luck! Nothing is Impossible
Sounds cool...

Sounds more suited for a Splinter Cell/Metal Gear kind of game though, where you can actually get into the story and not just mindlessly kill baddies. You can throw in a twist involving one of the members of the Allied Nations providing resources for the terrorists.
Honestly? As clichéd as hell. ''Good military guy fights evil terrorists.'' It shouldn''t be that hard to come up with something better.

Sorry, just being honest.
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
quote: Original post by runemaster
Honestly? As clichéd as hell. ''Good military guy fights evil terrorists.'' It shouldn''t be that hard to come up with something better.

Sorry, just being honest.

As good as your story sounds, I''d have to agree with runemaster. It''s all been done before, again, and again... Why is Lt. Wax alone? Why doesn''t he have the entire FGR Army him? What do the terrorists want? Why do they do what they do? Maybe Lt. Wax''s wife and kids were killed when these terrorists attacked the base they were all living at. While the First Global Republic debates what is to be done about these terrorists (some representatives are dirty and are affiliated with the terrorists and are fillabustering the comitee) Lt. Wax is impatient to taste his revenge. He goes AWOL, abandoning his post to (foolishly) attempt to single handedly take on the terrorist group himself. Then not only would he have to be a lone soldier taking on hundreds if not thousands of bad guys, he''d also have to avoid the other good guys since he has become a rogue.
I AM an Army of One... I just have 10,000 other Armies of One to back me up!
quote: Original post by ah_bk88
Maybe Lt. Wax''s wife and kids were killed when these terrorists attacked the base they were all living at. While the First Global Republic debates what is to be done about these terrorists (some representatives are dirty and are affiliated with the terrorists and are fillabustering the comitee) Lt. Wax is impatient to taste his revenge. He goes AWOL, abandoning his post to (foolishly) attempt to single handedly take on the terrorist group himself. Then not only would he have to be a lone soldier taking on hundreds if not thousands of bad guys, he''d also have to avoid the other good guys since he has become a rogue.

also cliche. ever seen 99% of the cheap action movies? pretty much every other movie with jean claude van damm or steven segal pretty much encapsulates this plot

;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]


Do NOT let Dr. Mario touch your genitals. He is not a real doctor!

-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
quote: Original post by eldee
also cliche. ever seen 99% of the cheap action movies? pretty much every other movie with jean claude van damm or steven segal pretty much encapsulates this plot

;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]


Do NOT let Dr. Mario touch your genitals. He is not a real doctor!

But this is a game, not a movie...
I AM an Army of One... I just have 10,000 other Armies of One to back me up!
quote: Original post by ah_bk88
But this is a game, not a movie...

thats sort of irrelevant, since most people who would play your game have seen a movie or two before in their lifetime and would immediately notice that the storyline is cliche. every other RPG in existance has used the "vengeful soldier who''s parents/wife/kids/dog/sheep were killed in an unprovoked attack by the evil corporation/empire/nextdoorneighbor/etc".

just because you swap media or genre doesnt make the idea any less cliche.

;another space monkey;
[ Forced Evolution Studios ]


Do NOT let Dr. Mario touch your genitals. He is not a real doctor!

-eldee;another space monkey;[ Forced Evolution Studios ]
Well, if the gameplay and graphics are as good as Halo, then I''ll play it. Otherwise, I''m going to agree with eldee (and runemaster).

red eye is coming back (the old site is still around, albeit in a weird transitional form)
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Didn't I post a "criticism" on this thread earlier?

I think I've been staffated

It is not an original story, but that formula works well if the game (movie) is entertaining.

[edited by - xaxa on June 22, 2003 12:19:55 AM]
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Ok, I came up with another story. Here goes...
In the year 2048 A.D., General Alarin Vladivostok, the president of Russia who carried out a successful coup d''etat three years back announced to hold peace talks with some neighbouring European nations.

October 16, 2038, the meeting holds at the Kremlin, Moscow under the security of the Red Army, loyal to the General. The presidents of Croatia, Sweden, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Romania, Austria, Poland and Finland with their aides were killed. Meanwhile, the General had already commissioned the best biogenetical engineers to clone the president and their aides. The clones are then programmed to merge their countries with Great Russia to enable free travel for their citizens and allow General Vladivostok and his Red Army to take over their nations'' armed forces. Hence, the New Union of the Soviet Republic (NUSR).

August 19, 2049, the Czech Republic is invaded. The Czech army is conquered in 6 days. Slovakia, France and Germany fall to the NUSR army in just 22 days.

Then neighbouring countries start intervene. It almost becomes a global war. Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Spain and Nigeria form the Allied Union of Peacekeeping Forces (AUPF) who start to fight back and are able to succesfully drive the NUSR army out of Germany and France.

Fierce fighting went on for eight years with the remaining minor European countries taking dfferent sides and thehe AUPF driving the NUSR forces back to where they came from. Europe and the Middle-East were in total chaos. There were great losses of human lives, battle equipment and property. The AUPF finally get to push the NUSR forces back into Great Russia and destroy their strongholds and operations backbone. The war is over but General Alarin is nowhere to be found. The entire AUPF army is weary of war and is still facing minor resistance from small insignificant militia groups.

Intelligence reports suggest that General Alarin and a handful of loyalist soldiers escaped via submarine to an island 200 miles north of Russia.

The AUPF had been running a training project right from when the union was formed, codenamed GreyWolf - a division of the army of elite forces consisting of individuals who are trained to work alone. Colonel Jinx, referred to as an arrogant, indisciplined man by his divisional heads is picked for the mission: to fight through the remnant of the loyalist NUSR army and apprehend and/or kill General Alarin Vladivostok before he plans a comeback by whatever means deemed as necessary.

Nothing is Impossible

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