
In need of writers for an RPG!

Started by April 24, 2003 04:40 PM
4 comments, last by ThOmAs02 21 years, 4 months ago
EvoDream games are looking for writers to help us with our game ''Mantus''. If anyone is interested contact me through ICQ and we can talk. If you dont have ICQ then simply reply through this topic and we can talk. The game is being developed by a team of people called Evolved Dream games and is still in its early stages. This is a game we are creating purley for fun, so if you are interested in contributing in your spare time contact me, and i can introduce you to the team, ok? He said he got a lighthouse. I said thats your lookout.
He said he got a lighthouse.I said thats your lookout.
´''m interested to write a script to your game.

I have programmed games for 5 years. Not as a job.

I study Audiovisual at vocation school.

It''s werry early at finland now, sow my english is shit. Sorry

If a write a script or enything to your game, i won''t a copy of the compleated game and my name at the credits.

A-helluuurk! I am come-a for to write the eeeeeenglush yoo need for der roleplayingkomputergame, okeydoke? Eye-a write the verrrrrry dramatic sceeen, yup yup yup! Like-a this!

DER GUY: Preeeety femule, I am der woo! I give-a you the love!
DER FEMULE: But-a no! no no no! no no no no no! I am-a seeung yoour brother!

Eeen return, Eye-a woold like lots and lots of money! In pesos!
HaHaHaHaHaHa!!! That was funny.

I would like to say that this should be in "help wanted", shouldn''t it???

I am the master of stories.....
If only I could just write them down...
I am the master of ideas.....If only I could write them down...
I have other things going but I would enjoy writing for Mantus. My preferred stlye is narrative and my script writing is only decent, however I would still like to help.

Artificial entertainment- Define reality...
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact:
if u want to design a story line, i could help, if u looking for script, (dialogue) i cant help.

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