
To any Asheron's Call players out there...

Started by May 14, 2000 09:00 PM
4 comments, last by Jonathan 24 years, 4 months ago
I feel bad posting a question like this on, but I''m at my wits end on where to look. Does anyone here happen to know whether Asheron''s Call runs on Windows 2000? I''m tempted to buy the game, but it''ll really piss me off if I can''t run it Thanks anyone, Jonathan
dont feel bad about posting anything in the lounge. haha, everything here is totally unrelated

btw, i dunno if it runs or not
just buy it and if it didn work return it to the vendor

- pouya
That''s what I''m getting geared up to try, but I''m afraid of the "If you opened it you can''t return it" syndrome

It worked in beta so im guessing itll work now.

u dont have to purchase the software to see if it works. u can use "legal warez" !!!! meaning that u download the game and try if it works, and you dont keep it for more than 24 hrs, then u delete it and if u liked it, u go purchase the legal copy

- pouya
hehe Actually that one''s a myth Pouya

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining

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